Consequences of tartar | Tartar

Consequences of tartar

The tartar itself is not dangerous, but it creates excellent conditions for the accumulation of new plaque, which in turn is a threat mainly to the gums. With the help of tartar, the bacterial plaque comes into close contact with the gums, especially on the underside, which leads to inflammation of the gingiva. And thus to the beginning of gingivitis and even periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium).

Tartar is very difficult to remove in the area of the gum line despite thorough oral hygiene. Bacteria can enter the gum pockets in this area and cause massive inflammation. This can be so bad that it can even lead to bone resorption and tooth loss.

For this reason, tartar should be removed professionally on a regular basis. Tartar is a hardened, mineralized layer of bacteria in the area of the teeth. If they are not removed properly, they can damage the teeth and cause bad breath.

Especially the bacteria that do not require oxygen are involved in the development of bad breath by decomposing protein-rich and sugary food residues. To prevent bad breath, tartar should be removed regularly by the dentist and thorough oral hygiene should be ensured. The use of mouthwashes or mouth rinses can also be helpful.


Tartar cannot be removed by home dental care, this can only be done in the dental office. A professional dental cleaning must be carried out. The dentist will use ultrasound to remove the tartar from the teeth.Since this generates heat, it must be constantly cooled with water.

In addition, hand instruments are also used to remove the last remnants of tartar. The calculus is also removed by ultrasound and with so-called scalers, hand instruments with which the calculus is removed from the root of the tooth, together with the bacterial plaque. We strongly advise against the independent removal of tartar!

tartar is removed by the dentist with ultrasound or hand instruments. The patient is not able to remove tartar by himself. The removal of tartar usually does not cause much pain.

However, if the tartar is particularly stubborn, it can be removed with a tartar scraper. Ultrasound is the most effective and reliable method of tartar removal. For this purpose, the specialized trade offers various ultrasonic toothbrushes, which are used in combination with special toothpastes.

The ultrasound causes small bubbles to form in the pastes, which are supposed to loosen plaque (soft plaque) and tartar when they burst in the mouth. With the help of this method the teeth are thoroughly cleaned without damaging the tooth substance (enamel and dentine). At the same time, it can reach places that are difficult to clean.

Ultrasound is also used in professional tooth cleaning, which is also recommended for the removal of tartar. Tartar should always be removed by a dentist as part of a professional dental cleaning. This prevents injuries to the oral mucosa and gums, which can be the cause of severe inflammation.

Since tartar also forms below the gumline, it cannot be completely removed by the patient himself. If not removed properly, it can lead to severe inflammation, periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium), bone resorption or even tooth loss over a longer period of time. There are several possibilities for tartar cleaning in the form of ultrasound, electric toothbrushes, tartar erasers or tartar removers.