Constipation: Classification

Primary (functional) constipation is characterized using the Rome III criteria as follows:

AdultWithin the past 6 months, the following criteria must be met in three months:

1. at least ≥ 2 criteria must be met. Straining during more than 25% of bowel movements
Hard stools in more than 25% of bowel movements
Feeling of incomplete evacuation in more than 25% of bowel movements
Feeling of anorectal (involving anus and rectum) tightness in more than 25% of bowel movements
Manual assistance to allow defecation in more than 25% of bowel movements
Fewer than three bowel movements per week
2. soft unformed stools only with laxative use (taking laxatives)
3. insufficient criteria for irritable bowel syndrome

Children up to 4 years old

Within the last 6 months, the following criteria must be met in three months:

At least ≥ 2 criteria must be met 1. two defecations (bowel movements) per week or less
2. at least one episode of fecal incontinence (inability to retain stool)
3. excessive retention of stool.
4. hard or painful bowel movements
5. large fecal masses in the rectum (rectal cavity)
6. stools of large diameter
Accompanying symptoms are irritability, decreased appetite, and or/.These symptoms disappear immediately after a large diameter bowel movement.