Constipation in Baby: Causes, Treatment & Help

Constipation can also occur in babies. However, it is not always immediately recognizable to parents.

What is constipation in babies?

Even babies suffer from constipation from time to time. However, this may not always be recognized by parents right away. Even infants suffer from constipation from time to time. However, this cannot always be recognized by the parents right away. For example, some babies take more time with their bowel movements than other babies. In babies younger than three months, constipation occurs very rarely. This is especially true during breastfeeding, because breast milk is usually well digested. If the child then receives porridge or complementary food, constipation appears more frequently. However, it does not automatically have to be constipation if the baby does not have a bowel movement for a few days. Constipation can generally be assumed if there is still no bowel movement after 10 to 14 days.


There are many causes of constipation in a baby. It primarily affects children who do not get their milk from their mothers and take bottle milk instead. Thus, there are babies who tolerate bottle feeding less well. Sometimes the child’s organism also has to get used to the new food first. If constipation persists for a long time, it may be Hirschsprung’s disease. This is a congenital change in the large intestine in which there is a spasmodic narrowing of the affected area of the intestine. However, it occurs very rarely. The child’s eating habits also often play a significant role in constipation. For example, affected babies do not exercise enough, do not drink enough, and do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Sometimes bowel movements are also withheld because the baby suffers from a painful anal fissure. Likewise, a diaper that is too tight can have a negative effect. From the seventh week of life, a baby undergoes a slight digestive change. As a result, bowel movements are often absent for a few days, but this is not unusual.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Hirschsprung’s disease
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Three-month colic

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Constipation becomes noticeable when the baby does not have a bowel movement for an unusually long time. In addition, the affected child often cries because he suffers from abdominal pain, or pulls his legs. Other conceivable signs include blood on the outside of the feces, tears in the anal mucosa, pain during elimination, and loss of appetite. Foul-smelling flatulence is another accompanying symptom.

Diagnosis and course

If constipation in the baby lasts longer or occurs repeatedly, a pediatrician should be consulted. This is able to find out the cause of the digestive problems. For this purpose, the physician palpates the child’s abdomen and performs a rectal examination. In this way, hardened stool can be detected. If there is no stool in the end section of the intestine despite constipation, this is considered an indication of Hirschsprung’s disease. In this case, constipation occurs in regions of the colon that are located deeper in the body. In order to diagnose Hirschsprung’s disease, a manometry (pressure measurement) of the rectum and anus is usually performed. Final certainty can be achieved by a biopsy (tissue sampling) of the mucosa of the intestine. If constipation is detected at the right time and treated appropriately, it usually disappears after a few days. However, if it takes a chronic course, negative sequelae are possible. For example, the rectum becomes dilated due to persistent constipation, which leads to constipation again. Possible side effects include tearing of the intestinal mucosa, greasy stools and weight loss. Even psychological problems and growth disorders can occur.


Without treatment of persistent constipation, further deterioration of the overall physical condition occurs. The baby has increasingly severe abdominal pain, fever may occur, bleeding in the anal area is possible due to the permanent pressure on the sphincter. The intestines can no longer completely eliminate the stool. The baby also suffers from a bloated abdomen. Occasional constipation may develop into a chronic condition.The most serious complication is coprostasis, or fecal stone. In this case, more and more water is extracted from the stool remaining in the intestine. The feces become rock-hard and can no longer migrate naturally. These fecal stones can even be felt through the abdominal wall. The further consequence of these fecal stones is intestinal obstruction. If left untreated, this leads to blood poisoning (sepsis) and further to the death of the affected person. Acute or chronic constipation is treated by the administration of suppositories. Complications may include allergic reactions such as skin rash or drowsy conditions. If an intestinal obstruction is present, treatment is by enema or manual evacuation of the bowel. Complications can also occur in this process. It is very painful for the affected person and the sphincter muscle can be damaged. If these measures are not successful, surgery is necessary, which is also associated with complications (anesthesia, blood loss, infection).

When should you go to the doctor?

You can tell if constipation is bothering a baby especially by an increased frequency of crying, a distended abdomen, and pushing without success. As long as a baby does not show any of these signs, it is also possible to wait at home at first. It is important for parents to know that babies who are fully breastfed may have irregular bowel movements without this necessarily being a sign of illness. In this case, both several stools a day and several days without a bowel movement are normal. So as long as the child behaves normally and seems cheerful, there is no need to see a doctor. If a fully breastfed baby goes more than 7 days without a bowel movement, a midwife or the pediatrician should be contacted for further action. If the baby is older and already receiving complementary food, the first measures to promote digestion should be taken after 2 days without a bowel movement: Gentle massages of the abdomen, milk sugar or even a glycerine suppository usually help quickly. If these measures remain without effect, the doctor and midwife should be contacted. This applies all the more if the baby seems to be uncomfortable, cries a lot, tightens its legs, and presses hard into the diaper with a very red head. If fever and vomiting suddenly occur after days without a bowel movement, parents should also consult a doctor at the weekend. This must exclude that an intestinal obstruction is present.

Treatment and therapy

If a baby suffering from constipation is breastfed and is otherwise healthy, it usually does not require any special treatment. Usually, there is then a pseudo constipation, which disappears after a few days. However, if the child suffers from symptoms, medical treatment by a doctor should be sought. Medicines such as laxatives or glycerine suppositories are usually administered by the doctor. If the child receives milk substitute food, it is often advisable to use a different brand of food. In the case of complementary feeding, it is advisable to ensure that the diet is rich in fiber. This supports the digestion of fruits and vegetables. They also loosen up the stool. It is equally important to ensure a sufficient supply of fluids. To this end, the child should be given unsweetened tea or water between meals. To stimulate bowel activity, abdominal massages and warm baths are also considered helpful. If the child is old enough to use a potty, it is recommended to introduce regular toilet times. However, the child should not be put under pressure to do so. If bowel movements are associated with pain, it sometimes helps to distract the child a little. A reward for a successful “business” has also often proven effective. Likewise, attention and comfort from parents are extremely important during constipation. It is also useful to keep a “toilet diary”. In this diary, the parents record the diaper filling or the toilet visits of their child. If the baby suffers from Hirschsprung’s disease, remedial action can usually be taken by surgery.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for constipation in babies is usually good if it is treated. Even if left untreated, the consistency of the stool may return to normal in a short time, but a doctor should be consulted to be sure. There are many ways to help babies who suffer from constipation. One option is medication that softens the stool and speeds its passage through the intestines. To eliminate or prevent existing constipation, the baby’s diet plays an important role.Acutely, digestion can be helped with flaxseed, for example. Lactose can also soften the stool and speed up digestion. In addition, there are foods that tend to soften or harden stools. Berries, for example, tend to have a laxative effect, while bananas have a more constipating effect. However, these foods can only be consumed after a certain age. Medical advice is therefore helpful. Regardless of the method used to eliminate the baby’s constipation, this should be done in a short period of a few days. If the child suffers from constipation for a longer period of time, the bowel may expand. It then becomes even more difficult for the child to empty. Constipation can then develop into a chronic condition that must be treated permanently with medication.


To prevent constipation from occurring in the first place, preventive measures should be taken. These include plenty of exercise for the child and spreading meals over several parts of the day. Drinking tea or water regularly also prevents constipation. For older children, a diet rich in fiber and roughage is recommended.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Irregularities in the baby’s bowel movements are typical in the first year of life. Nevertheless, the regulation can be supported with some means. First and foremost, pay attention to a diet rich in fiber. Grapes, apples and prunes are helpful. Foods such as [[banana]s, rice or products containing cocoa should be avoided, as these solidify the stool. Breastfed children suffer significantly less from constipation. Nevertheless, the mother should control her own diet, because her own diet affects breast milk. If this is not possible, dry milk should be changed in case of recurrent constipation. Likewise, the baby must receive sufficient fluids. Especially in the warm season, constipation could indicate a deficiency. If constipation occurs as a result of repeated or prolonged antibiotic treatment, probiotic cultures can be administered in the form of drops or powder. This allows healthy intestinal bacteria to settle. These promote intestinal activity. Once complementary feeding is started, food intolerances can be the cause of constipation. In this case, it is advisable to try different types of fruit and vegetables and to observe bowel movements. The administration of lactose has also proven effective. This is available in every pharmacy. A relaxing massage on baby`s belly can relieve tension. In addition, the intestinal activity is stimulated in a natural way.