Consumption Recommendations

General recommendations

  • Spread your daily nutrition over 3 meals.
  • Chew the food well. Take plenty of time and enjoy your food. Slow eating is also important because the body needs about 15 to 20 minutes to develop the feeling “I am full”. If you eat too quickly, you usually eat more food than your body needs. Aim for a regular intake of meals.
  • To bridge the waiting time before a meal, eat raw vegetables rather than bread.
  • Bring a varied, easily digestible food with preferably fresh and gently prepared seasonal foods on the table.
  • Eat a high-protein diet with complex carbohydrates for dinner. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates include pasta, whole grains, rice and potatoes. Carbohydrates promote serotonin production in the brain. Serotonin promotes sleep and causes a longer lasting feeling of fullness.

Recommendations for overweight people

  • Drink a glass of mineral or tap water by the sip before eating and before drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid high-proof alcoholic beverages. Always leave your glass half full; this protects against uncontrolled refilling. Drink to alcohol always plenty of mineral water.
  • If you eat out more often for business, prefer light cuisines such as Italian or Japanese. Opt for anitpasti or salads at meals. Always include plenty of vegetables. For dessert, choose fresh fruit or sorbets.
  • Drink plenty of low-sodium mineral water (< 20 mg/l) with meals.
  • Focus on your food. If you are busy during the meal with other things such as reading the newspaper or watching TV, you do not perceive whether he eats too quickly or is already full. Enjoy your meals and take the time to eat!
  • Always arrange your meals on small plates. This trick makes the meal appear much larger. Also put plenty of salad leaves around the food. In this way, let you pretend that you have eaten a large portion.
  • Get into the habit for a while to eat all food only with cutlery. Automatically you do without calorie traps such as chips, peanuts or chocolate.
  • Clear food out of your field of vision. If you sit for a long time at a table that is not cleared away immediately after eating, you often start eating leftovers. Also banish the nibbles for in between from your field of vision.
  • Your cravings for sweets are best satisfied by eating fresh fruit. Don’t give in to every craving right away. If you find that you are getting hungry, take up an activity that you really enjoy. If you still feel hungry after 15 minutes, eat a piece of fruit or a low-fat yogurt.
  • Do not forbid yourself anything. You may eat from all foods, but from everything only your personal measure.
  • Write down every now and then what you have eaten and drunk. Thus, you control yourself and automatically pay attention to food choices.
  • Set yourself smaller, realistic milestones in a weight reduction and reward yourself when you have reached a milestone again, for example, with a visit to the cinema.
  • Never go shopping with an empty stomach!
  • Do 45 – 60 minutes of physical exercise two to three times a week. This increases the energy consumption. Recommendations for physical fitness gives you our fitness program.
  • Build stress not with food, but with relaxation exercises. Our program “Mental Training” holds a variety of relaxation exercises for you.

Recommendations for underweight

  • High-calorie diet – eat more calories than you need.Daily fat intake up to 40% of the daily energy amount (which is approximately 90-95 g of fat per day).Preference should be given to vegetable fats – because of their high content of unsaturated fatty acids (linseed, corn germ, olive, canola and soybean oil).
  • Six meals – three main meals and three side meals (each two to three hours apart between meals).The side meals must consist of a balanced mix of high-quality protein (BCAA) – this stands for “Branched Chain Amino Acids* “, which means branched-chain amino acids -, energy-rich carbohydrates and all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • At each meal, eat only enough until satiety sets in. Too much food at once stresses the digestive system and leads to a reduced appetite at the next meal.
  • After getting up, breakfast should be eaten immediately.
  • A liquid intake should always be between meals, so that the stomach is not filled too quickly.Attention! Prefer non-carbonated or low-carbonated drinks.
  • Snacks should be consumed after training.
  • Vital foods are foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals.These include, for example, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and dairy products.
  • High-energy foods and dishes – for example, fresh salad with baked camembert, baguette au gratin.
  • Enriching meals with high-fat ingredients, for example, cream, butter, etc.

* Branched Chain Amino Acids” (BCAA) – branched chain amino acids include valine, leucine and isoleucine.