Contraindications | Dolantin


If one of the following points applies to you, you must not use Dolantin®:

  • Hypersensitivity to pethidine or to preservatives containing additional drops of betaine hydrochloride and methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate
  • Parallel use of MAO-inhibitors or if MAO-inhibitors have been taken within 14 days
  • Children under one year of age must not take Dolantin
  • Severe respiratory insufficiency

Restricted areas of application

Dolantin® is used for the treatment of acute pain and should not be used for the long-term treatment of chronic pain. Additional caution is required with Dolatin®

  • If there is a dependence on opioids, alcohol, medication, etc.
  • For disorders of consciousness
  • In conditions where the respiratory center or respiratory function is disturbed
  • In hypotension with reduced blood volume
  • For craniocerebral traumas
  • In the presence of liver or kidney dysfunction
  • For seizures in the medical history
  • For diseases of the prostate or urethra
  • In children under 16 years of age and in elderly people (here the dose should be reduced)

Use during pregnancy and lactation

As there is little knowledge available on the effects of Dolantin® during pregnancy, it is not recommended to take it. However, there are currently no results indicating that Dolantin® poses an increased risk of malformation. If pethidine is taken during pregnancy, the child may become accustomed to it and withdrawal symptoms may occur after birth. After administration of Dolantin® during birth, newborns may show the following symptoms: Dolantin® passes into mother’s milk and so breastfeeding should not be attempted if Dolantin® is taken repeatedly.

  • Low heart rate
  • Respiratory depression and
  • Weakened neurological functions.

Side effects

As with all other drugs, side effects may occur when taking Dolantin®. These include: The effect of Dolantin® can be reversed with the help of naloxone.

  • Hypersensitivity reactions, which can even be life-threatening
  • Hypotension (too low blood pressure)
  • Increased heart rate
  • Skin rash
  • Confusion, mood changes (mostly high spirits), perception disorders and disorientation
  • Withdrawal syndrome
  • Delirium, tremor and seizures
  • Breathing Depression
  • Nausea, vomiting, constipation and urination difficulties (due to an increase in smooth muscle tone in the gastrointestinal and urinary tract)