Contraindications | Olynth®


In this case, the treating physician should be consulted before using Olynth®:

  • Known increased intraocular pressure and especially in known narrow-angle glaucoma
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) and other cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and cardiac arrhythmia
  • Other diseases of the vascular system, such as advanced arteriosclerosis and an aneurysm
  • Blood pressure increasing drugs, especially monoaminooxidase inhibitors
  • Chronic metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) or porphyria (disease of the red blood cells (erythrocytes))
  • Patients with pheochromocytoma (a tumor of the adrenal gland)
  • Prostate enlargement in older men.

Children must be cared for with special care. Special Olynth® preparations are available for children under the age of two, but the advice of a doctor or pharmacist should also be sought. The long-term use of Olynth® in children must be avoided, higher doses of Olynth® should only be given with the doctor’s consent.

Special caution is also advised for pregnant women. In this case Olynth® is actually contraindicated. It should only be used on the doctor’s advice in special cases.

During pregnancy, special care must be taken to maintain the target dosage, as the blood supply to the unborn child can be affected by an overdose. Another special case is breastfeeding. While the mother is breastfeeding her baby, Olynth® should be handled with care as there are too few studies on this and therefore it cannot be predicted whether complications will occur. Overdosage during the breastfeeding period must be avoided at all costs, as this can affect the mother’s milk production.


Before taking Olynth®, it is important to ask your doctor about the risk that the medication you are already taking might interact with Olynth® and therefore cause undesirable side effects. If Olynth® is taken together with tricyclic antidepressants, monoaminooxidase inhibitors (of the tranylzypromine class) or generally blood pressure increasing drugs, this can lead to an uncontrolled increase in blood pressure. It should therefore be avoided to combine the above mentioned drugs with Olynth®. On the other hand, it is not necessary to avoid certain foods or beverages when using Olynth®.