Contraindications | Thyrostatics


In case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredients themselves or to other components of the medication, they must not be taken any further, as otherwise a life-threatening allergic shock may be triggered. Blood count changes are also a reason for exclusion from treatment with thyrostatic drugs. Thyrostatics are contraindicated in the case of a known biliary tract disease.

In the case of a goiter that has already grown into the thorax, thyrostatics should not be taken, since the drop in hormone concentration can stimulate the thyroid gland to grow and can then constrict other body structures. During pregnancy, the intake of thyrostatic drugs must be carefully weighed. If untreated, hyperthyroidism increases the risk of malformations and premature births.

However, thyrostatic drugs can also enter the child’s body via the placental barrier and lead to thyroid disease and growth retardation. Thyrostatics should not be used during the breastfeeding period, as they can get into the breast milk and cause an underactive thyroid gland in the child. Either the baby should be weaned or the mother should pause the medication.

Dosage of the thyrostatics

The exact dosage of thyrostatic drugs depends on the exact preparation and many individual factors. At the beginning of the therapy a dose is chosen which completely blocks the hormone synthesis. Later, a maintenance dose is given, which in the case of carbimazole is between 5 and 20mg.

This only partially blocks the production. The most important laboratory value used for the dosage is TSH – a hormone that regulates the production of thyroid hormones. The dosage often has to be further adjusted in the course of therapy.

What do thyrostatics cost?

Thyrostatic drugs are a necessary therapy for a disease and therefore the drugs are covered by the public health insurance. This means that people with statutory health insurance only have to pay an additional five euros. A package of Carbimazol with 100 tablets with 10mg active substance each costs about 20 Euro. However, the costs vary greatly depending on the dosage and manufacturer.