Conventional medical treatment | Treatment of laryngeal pain

Conventional medical treatment

If all the above treatments do not result in a reduction of pain, a doctor should be consulted. This doctor can usually find out the underlying cause of the pain by taking a detailed medical history and performing a laryngoscopy. He can then prescribe antibiotics for bacterial inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs such as hydrocortisone for any kind of inflammation or mucolytics for severe swelling.

In acute respiratory distress, the doctor can intubate the patient and thus ventilate him. In addition, if pain persists for a longer period of time, he can take a tissue sample to rule out malignant degeneration. In addition to all these prescriptions, the described home remedies can of course be used in addition.

Treatment of reflux

If laryngeal pain is not actually caused by a problem of the larynx, but by the acid reflux of gastric juice into the oesophagus, which is not uncommon, this condition can usually be well managed with antacids (which neutralize the excessive acidity) or proton pump inhibitors (which limit the production of acid in the stomach), which then also reduce heartburn and pain.