Coronavirus Infection: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A coronavirus infection, as the name suggests, refers to an infection with the so-called coronaviruses. These viruses occur in mammals as well as birds and are the cause of various diseases such as flu-like infections. The well-known SARS virus also belongs to the coronavirus family.

What is a coronavirus infection?

The term coronavirus infection means an infection with viruses that belong to the coronavirus family. These occur worldwide and can affect mammals as well as birds. They are spread by so-called droplet infection and may therefore be highly contagious. Of all the species of coronavirus that occur, however, only three are human pathogens, i.e. capable of causing disease in humans. If a coronavirus infection occurs, it can manifest itself with different symptoms. In humans, it usually leads to respiratory illnesses, but also to diarrhea. The SARS virus, which can lead to severe respiratory illness and ultimately death in some circumstances, also belongs to the coronavirus family.


The causes of coronavirus infection lie in the spread of so-called coronaviruses in an organism, which subsequently cause symptoms of disease. Coronaviruses are so-called RNA viruses. If they spread in a human organism, they lead to paralysis of the cilia, which are significantly involved in respiration. Therefore, if the infection is with the SARS coronavirus, the symptoms of pneumonia also occur. According to statistics, about 30% of all human infections such as flu-like infections are caused by coronaviruses. However, they are generally considered harmless, even though they can have a lethal effect on different animal species at the same time.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

Coronavirus infection can be life-threatening to a human and must always be treated by a physician. In the worst case, this infection can cause the death of the affected person or serious complications. Patients primarily suffer from a very high fever during coronavirus infection. There is also a general feeling of illness, resulting in severe fatigue and exhaustion. Most affected individuals also exhibit shortness of breath, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness may occur. If the undersupply of oxygen persists over a long period of time, the internal organs or even the brain can be damaged. This damage is usually irreversible and can no longer be treated. Furthermore, coughing and severe sore throat occur. General symptoms of a flu or a cold also occur, so that the affected person suffers from chills and aching limbs. The patient’s quality of life is significantly reduced and limited by the coronavirus infection. Coronavirus infection is contagious and can very easily spread to other people. Furthermore, untreated infection leads to pain in the muscles and even cramps. With successful treatment of coronavirus infection, the patient’s life expectancy remains unchanged.

Diagnosis and progression

If a coronavirus infection is suspected, a physician should be consulted immediately. In addition to a comprehensive physical examination to rule out other causes of symptoms, coronavirus can be detected with the help of antibodies. If antibodies against the virus can be detected in the organism, an acute infection is considered practically proven. In some cases, these antibodies are labeled with dyes for better detection. A coronavirus infection is usually harmless for the person concerned and subsides on its own after seven to ten days. However, complications can occur in already weakened individuals or children, so medical monitoring is advised.


Due to coronavirus infection, the affected person usually suffers from the symptoms of influenza. There is a high fever and cough with sore throat. There is also pain in the extremities and the affected person complains of chills at the beginning of the coronavirus infection. In severe cases, breathing difficulties may also occur, such as shortness of breath. Often, shortness of breath leads to panic attacks.Often, patients can no longer engage in physical activities and complain of muscle pain. There are usually no further complications and the coronavirus infection subsides on its own without the need for a visit to a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic. Painkillers can be taken to relieve the pain. The patient should only take care not to take them over a longer period of time, as they can damage the stomach. Contact with other people should also be limited due to the risk of infection. Complaints of breathing or throat can also be alleviated with the help of medication. After a few days, the symptoms subside on their own and no further complications occur. A more serious course can occur if the virus is SARS. In this case, incorrect treatment can lead to the death of the patient.

Current prevalence and mortality due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

Gender: men are more at risk than women. More frequent smoking in men and associated lung damage are thought to lead to higher mortality in men. Current trends and numbers of infected persons and deaths worldwide:

Current trends and numbers of infected persons and deaths in Germany with each county:

Coronavirus hotlines

Contact your family doctor by phone or dial 116117 – the number of the medical on-call service- if you are concerned you have contracted coronavirus. Here is another selection of hotlines that provide information about coronavirus nationwide.

  • Independent Patient Counseling Germany – 0800 011 77 22.
  • Federal Ministry of Health (Citizens’ Helpline) – 030 346 465 100
  • General initial information and contact mediation – Behördennummer 115 (
  • Sign telephone (video telephony) –

When should you go to the doctor?

Most coronavirus infections are harmless. Flu-like symptoms or diarrhea usually resolve on their own within a short time in otherwise healthy patients. In immunocompromised individuals or children, however, a coronavirus infection may take a life-threatening course: For this reason, the family doctor should be consulted whenever there is any suspicion, in order to carry out an antibody determination of the blood for coronaviruses. If the infection is detected, transmission to other people can be prevented by appropriate hygiene measures and extensive isolation of the patient during the illness. It is extremely important to see a doctor immediately if the sudden onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath and general feeling of illness is preceded by a stay in certain regions of Asia. In this case, it could be the dangerous variants of the SARS or MERS coronavirus. The MERS virus is mainly transmitted by dromedaries and occurs predominantly in the Arabian region. If close contact was made with these animals during a trip and signs of illness subsequently appear, the doctor must be informed. It is also advisable for all persons in the close vicinity of an infected person to take an antibody test: in this way, a coronavirus infection can be detected quickly and treated immediately. In particular, people whose immune systems are weakened by previous illnesses should not hesitate to consult a physician when a coronavirus infection is suspected.

Treatment and therapy

Coronavirus infection can only be treated symptomatically, because no drug currently exists to treat the viruses themselves. This also applies to infection with the SARS virus. The respective treatment depends on the individual symptoms and their severity. In the case of high fever, fever-reducing medication can be administered. Respiratory problems, sore throat, and cough are treated with the same medications given for a regular flu or cold. If muscle pain occurs as a result of the infection, the temporary use of painkillers is advisable.If the patient is weakened by age or general health, it may be necessary to monitor him medically to avoid complications. Under certain circumstances, the breathing difficulties may necessitate temporary artificial respiration. In addition to the actual treatment of the symptoms, which should continue until the symptoms have subsided, direct contact with other people should be avoided, otherwise infection can occur quickly. If an infection with the SARS virus is present, special measures must be initiated for this reason. In about 11% of cases, this disease is fatal; however, there are also significantly weaker courses, which are usually harmless to the patient.

Outlook and prognosis

In most cases, coronavirus infection can be treated relatively well, so that there are no particular complications in this disease and usually a positive course of the disease. Only in very few cases the disease can take a severe course. The symptoms of the flu or the common cold are combated with the help of antipyretic agents and generally with the help of remedies for the flu or the common cold. It is not necessary to take any special medication. After about a week, the symptoms disappear and the coronavirus infection is defeated. Only if the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, it is necessary to seek medical treatment. In case of pain, this is treated with the help of painkillers and by strict bed rest. Direct contact with other people should be avoided in case of coronavirus infection to prevent infection of other people. As a rule, the ill person is not immune even after the disease has healed and may contract the coronavirus infection again. The disease can then take a severe or even fatal course if the affected person is already in poor general health before the infection. Especially elderly people or people suffering from a chronic disease need special medical measures in this case.


Coronavirus infection is a smear or droplet infection. The viruses are thus transmitted through direct contact with infected persons. Particular attention should therefore be paid to hygiene (hand washing), especially in the winter months, when there are waves of influenza, for example. Contact with infected persons should be avoided. A healthy lifestyle that strengthens the immune system can also help reduce the risk of coronavirus infection.


In most cases of coronavirus infection, there are no options for follow-up care available to the affected person. In this case, the patient is primarily dependent on rapid detection of the disease to prevent further complications. The earlier the coronavirus infection is detected, the better the further course usually is. If the disease is not treated, serious complications can occur. The affected person should pay attention to a strict bed rest and rest in this disease. Efforts or physical activities should be refrained from in order not to put unnecessary strain on the body. In some cases, the help or support of one’s own family and friends is also very helpful in relieving the sufferer. However, contact with other people should be kept to a minimum to prevent infection. If there is no improvement after taking the medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately, as the coronavirus infection can also be fatal in the worst case. However, the course is usually harmless, so there is no reduction in life expectancy.

What you can do yourself

Because coronavirus infection is a contagious disease, increased vigilance is necessary when dealing with sick people. With the right protective measures, infection can be avoided in time. It is helpful if the affected person can reflect well on his or her own body and the reactions of self. The disease resembles the symptoms of flu. Nevertheless, with good self-awareness, it can be determined that there are slight differences. This is beneficial for early diagnosis and treatment. In order to protect oneself well against a viral illness or to positively support the healing process, a strong immune system is needed.Therefore, the affected person can stabilize his immune system through a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. A balanced and vitamin-rich food supply provides the body with important nutrients and messenger substances, which are important for the supply of the systems. Sports activities stimulate the metabolic system and the circulation. As a result, the messenger substances quickly reach their destination and contribute to health. As soon as the affected person is ill, however, he should not overexert himself physically. The possibilities of the own body are to be considered, so that adjustments must take place. Here, in addition to a healthy diet, sufficient rest and sparing help so that the body can regenerate sufficiently.