Costs | MRT of the abdomen


Private health insurance companies usually cover the costs of the MRI examination. The statutory health insurance companies require a corresponding indication in order for the MRT to be covered. Otherwise, the costs must be borne by the patient himself.

In this case the costs vary. As a rule, 300 – 600 Euros must be reckoned with. You can find more detailed information under our topic: Costs of an MRI examination


In the case of gastrointestinal tract imaging, it is necessary for the patient to come to the examination on an empty stomach. For this purpose, he is requested to take laxatives the day before. From the evening before, only clear liquids may be taken, so that the intestine remains free of stool residues and the intestinal structures are visible in the MRI images.On the examination day itself, it is important that the patient removes all metal parts before entering the examination room.

This includes hair clips, piercings, earrings, all jewelry, keys and belts. If the patient carries metal parts in his body, for example implants, this is discussed in advance and it is checked whether the MRI can be performed at all in this case. Once these general precautions have been taken, the patient can enter the examination room.

The patient now first lies down on the MRI table, which is moved into the MRI scanner after the examinee has been correctly positioned. If contrast medium is required for the examination, this is injected into the patient in advance. In case of claustrophobia or general excitement, the patient can also be given a sedative.

To protect hearing, the patient is also given headphones or earplugs, as loud noises are always heard during the examination. Afterwards, the patient is taken out of the MRI and can leave the examination room. Special precautions are usually necessary after the examination.


The duration of the MRI examination can vary. It can range from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on how large the area to be imaged is. Between the individual sequences, pauses are inserted to extend the duration of the examination. As a rule, an examination duration of 30 minutes must be expected. During the duration of the examination you should move as little as possible in order not to reduce the image quality.