Costs of a MRI ́s from the heart | Cardiological MRT

Costs of a MRI ́s from the heart

The costs for an MRI examination of the heart are usually covered by the statutory health insurance. In recent years, it has even been shown that a cardio-MRI saves costs in the long term because unnecessary additional examinations can be omitted. For example, if an MRI is performed instead of a catheter examination when coronary artery disease (CHD) is suspected, cost savings of up to 50 percent can be achieved. For this reason, more and more heart MRIs are being performed ́s. More detailed information on the costs can be found here: Costs MRT examination

Duration of a Cardio-MRI

An MRI examination of the heart takes about 60 to 90 minutes. Before the examination, a checklist is requested, for example whether a pacemaker has been implanted or whether metal is worn on the body. Otherwise, a cardiac MRI does not require any special patient preparation.

However, good cooperation is required during the examination, as certain breathing commands are given. For a duration of less than 25 seconds, the breath must be held at certain intervals so that so-called breath-hold sequences can be recorded. After the examination the daily routine can continue unhindered, there are no restrictions regarding the operation of machines or cars. Usually, the processing of the data and the post-processing and creation of the digital MRI images takes a considerable amount of time and it may not be possible to discuss the results until the next day.

Diseases that can be diagnosed with the heart MRI

Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis)

Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) is a serious disease, which usually occurs in the context of general infections and can lead to sudden cardiac death or a performance weakness of the heart. The diagnosis of myocarditis is made on the basis of blood values, electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac ultrasound (cardio-sonography). MRI of the heart can be used in myocarditis to determine the exact location of the focus of inflammation in the heart muscle.

In this way, an ultrasound-guided removal of diseased tissue (biopsy) can be performed. In the further course of the disease, a cardiac MRI can also be useful to examine the heart activity and the blood flow in the heart muscle tissue.There is currently a controversial discussion as to whether an MRI examination can indicate whether a complicated course of the disease is probable even in cases of suspected heart muscle inflammation. Sarcoidosis or Boeck’s disease is a systemic disease of the connective tissue whose cause is largely unknown and which can occur in many tissues.

Heart involvement in sarcoidosis occurs in about 5 percent of cases. Sarcoidosis can lead to cardiac arrhythmia or weakness of the heart muscle. Early diagnosis is very important in sarcoidosis, as the success of treatment depends on early and consistent therapy. Especially in the course and for the estimation of the prognosis in sarcoidosis of the heart, an MRI examination is important. There are also indications that an MRI examination without conspicuous findings in sarcoidosis can rule out involvement of the heart in the disease.