Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children | Cough expectorant

Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children

There are also different opinions on the strict application of cough suppressants for pregnant women and children. The use of central cough suppressants is only permitted for children over two years of age. Infants and children under 14 years of age must not be treated with hydrocodone.

Hydrocodone and pentoxyverine must not be used during pregnancy. Dextromethorphan is added as a prohibited drug during breastfeeding. Other indications prohibit the use of all central cough suppressants in pregnancy and lactation.

Caution is also advised if peripheral cough suppressants are used. Most substances are also not recommended during pregnancy. The only peripheral cough suppressant drug that can be used from the 1st month of life is clobutinol.


In any case, the cough should first be treated with simple remedies. With a sufficient amount of drinking water and steam inhalation, the mucus can be loosened and made easier to cough up. If the cough is still felt to be agonizing despite all home remedies, the described medications can be used.

However, it should be noted that cough looseners and cough suppressants are not used at the same time. If the cough lasts longer, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a physician who will make the therapy more effective and exclude other respiratory diseases.