Coughing with sputum | Homeopathics for coughs

Coughing with sputum

In case of chronic cough, phlegm can be easily expectorated Large-bubble rales on the lungs. Rich yellowish, sweetish and bad tasting sputum, can be easily expectorated. Patients feel weak and exhausted, every effort triggers coughing fits that can last a long time.

During the night, patients sweat a lot. Sensitivity to touch, tightness in the chest. In general, counter-pressure improves existing pain.

Chronic cough, phlegm is difficult to expectorate Hard, scratching cough with little sputum, existing phlegm is difficult to expectorate. Attacks of coughing are often triggered by cold, dry air.The remedy can also help with pseudo croup as soon as the circumstances fit. The patients are hypersensitive to touch and pain.

All symptoms are worse at night, due to cold air and cold drinks. Improvement by humid air, after sweating. Dry irritable cough, starting from the larynx.

Cold sweat, back pain. Sciatic pain with worsening when coughing and sneezing. The cough is worse at night, little mucous sputum, tasting bad.

Patients are generally exhausted, dull and suffer from palpitations with the slightest effort. Complaints generally worse at night, in warm rooms, in cold and wet weather.