Course of disease | Dizziness with heat

Course of disease

The course of dizziness in heat depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the dizziness as such is perceived early and also taken seriously, sufficient measures can be taken before the circulation tries even harder to counteract the heat. Therefore, early shielding from the heat and the absorption of fluids and electrolytes is very important.

If this is not done in time, the dizziness can lead to fainting, which can be dangerous for those affected by the fall and the impairment of the circulation. If sport is now done in hot weather, the likelihood of dizziness increases rapidly. You can find detailed information about this here: Vertigo after sports


The treatment of dizziness in hot weather should be carried out quickly in order not to further strain the circulation unnecessarily. It is therefore extremely important that those affected are brought out of the heat as quickly as possible and moved to a cooler place. Any clothing that is too tight or warm should be opened so that the body can cool down again without any problems.

For example, the affected person can take a cool bath. Ice, cold compresses or cool packs can also be helpful. A sufficient supply of liquid is also very important.

Often the affected persons do not only lack water, but also electrolytes. Mineral water or fruit juice spritzers, for example, are therefore particularly suitable for quickly making up for this deficiency. Since dizziness in hot weather is a sign of stress on the body, it should be listened to accordingly. Those affected should therefore rest for some time until the symptoms subside. The circulation can be additionally supported by a lying position and by putting the legs up.

What do I do if I am pregnant?

In pregnant women, the heat is an additional burden on the body, as the body’s blood circulation generally has to perform better. It is therefore advisable to always drink enough, in summer about 3 liters of water per day are recommended. You should also make sure that you have a sufficient supply of salt, as this is excreted through sweating. The circulation can be additionally supported by putting the legs up. Likewise a too long stay in the blazing sun should be avoided.