Course of disease with lactose intolerance | Diarrhoea after milk – Is there a lactose intolerance behind it?

Course of disease with lactose intolerance

If lactose intolerance is the cause of diarrhea after milk consumption, the disease is chronic. The symptoms such as diarrhea, flatulence or abdominal pain will therefore occur after every meal containing lactose. If the person concerned pays attention to a low-lactose diet, the symptoms subside quickly and usually completely.

Duration and prognosis

Certain diarrheal diseases that occur in connection with milk consumption are short-lived. For example, if an expired expiration date of the milk was the cause. There are also types of lactose intolerance that are temporary, for example in the context of gastrointestinal infections, but also in the case of untreated celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

In such cases, the symptoms can subside completely after a few weeks or months. However, if primary lactose intolerance is present, it is usually chronic and lasts a lifetime. However, lactose intolerance has no influence on life expectancy.

How contagious is this?

If the diarrhea after milk consumption is not exactly caused by a gastrointestinal infection (and thus only occurred by chance after milk consumption), it is usually not contagious. Lactose intolerance – whether temporary or chronic – is not infectious, so it cannot be transmitted from person to person.