Course of dizziness and tachycardia | Dizziness and palpitations

Course of dizziness and tachycardia

The course of dizziness and tachycardia depends strongly on the underlying cause. The symptoms often appear acutely and subside completely within minutes to hours after appropriate measures have been taken. If this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted. It is quite possible that the symptoms are caused by a chronic illness, such as high blood pressure or a malfunction of the thyroid gland. However, these diseases can be treated well with appropriate treatment and prophylaxis, so that they do not affect the person concerned too much in everyday life.

Prophylaxis of dizziness and palpitations

Due to the large number of different causes that can be responsible for the development of the symptoms, general prophylaxis is difficult to recommend. Prophylaxis can be recommended if the cause of the occurrence is known individually and a further episode should be prevented. The treating physician can recommend possible prophylaxis in individual cases before the symptoms return.

The treatment of dizziness and palpitations depends on the underlying trigger. Thus, the diagnosis of the cause always comes before therapy. If the symptoms are only mildly felt or always occur during a certain activity, a self-analysis can initially help to narrow down the problem.

Stress situations or sporting activities can be responsible for the occurrence of the symptoms. Avoiding the activity in question is then the main focus of the therapy. In the acute situation, it helps most affected persons if they go out into the fresh air, breathe evenly and deeply and try to calm down.

To stabilize the circulation, the affected person should sit or lie down for a while and drink water. The latter is especially important in the case of underlying dehydration, i.e. a lack of fluid.If the symptoms do not get better or even worse, a doctor should be consulted promptly. If a disease is the cause of the symptoms, it should be treated with a suitable therapy.

A clarification by a physician can help to find out the cause of the symptoms and thus enable a therapy of the disease. If the dizziness and palpitations are caused by a thyroid gland disorder, it must be treated accordingly. Depending on the type of dysfunction, various medications are available for this purpose.

If there is a disturbance in the regulation of blood pressure, this should also be examined more closely, for example by means of a 24-hour measurement. Afterwards, a too high or too low blood pressure can be adjusted accordingly by medication. In most cases, lifestyle also plays an important role.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, as well as abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes will improve the symptoms in most cases. The avoidance or reduction of psychological strain and stress should also not be neglected.

  • Dizziness therapy
  • Tachycardia therapy