Courses for pregnant women


For the period of the pregnancy a multiplicity of courses is offered, whereby the offer constantly grows by rising demand and new trends. Most courses are led by midwives, but can be led by nutrition experts, for example, in the case of courses dealing with nutrition during pregnancy. The spectrum of all courses offered for pregnant women is relatively broad. These include pregnancy preparation courses, Pilates, first aid courses and much more.

What courses are offered for pregnant women?

Many courses offer gentle physical exercises tailored to the pregnancy. These include pregnancy yoga, pilates, gymnastics and auqafitness. In addition, many courses also focus on the goal of relaxation.

These also include yoga and pilates. Special birth preparation courses are offered to prepare the pregnant woman for the birth process, often involving her partner. Courses are also offered to prepare for the period shortly after the birth, for example first aid courses for the newborn or special breastfeeding and diaper changing courses.

Although not belonging to the group of pregnancy courses, there are other offers that can be used during pregnancy. These also aim at regular participation in order to achieve the greatest possible success. These include craniosacral therapy, which can be particularly helpful for back pain, but also for sleep disorders and for relaxation.

In addition, regular acupuncture sessions during pregnancy are also found to be very pleasant, as numerous pregnancy complaints can be alleviated. These include nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Acupuncture is also said to have a positive influence on the preparation for childbirth, as the opening phase is shorter and the birth process can be accelerated.

Which courses prepare me well for the birth?

Birth preparation courses are a good way to prepare for the birth. These can be attended by the pregnant woman alone or with her partner. Some birth centers also offer courses for expectant siblings.

In the course of the exercises, the own body perception is to be trained, and relaxation and breathing exercises are also offered. Massages and light pelvic floor training can also be part of a birth preparation course. In addition, birthing postures are trained so that the pregnant woman can familiarize herself with them before the actual birth.

-The course also includes conversations and short lectures by the course leaders on the topics of the birth process, the puerperium and breastfeeding. Courses Pregnancy courses with a focus on sports can also prepare for the birth. These include yoga and Pilates, which on the one hand teach how to actively relax, and on the other hand can facilitate the birth process through targeted muscle building.

Breastfeeding courses are not directly aimed at preparing for the birth, but rather for the subsequent breastfeeding period. The correct handling and breastfeeding recommendations are usually taught by a specially trained lactation consultant. Special infant courses are also offered for learning the correct handling of the newborn baby using dolls. The following articles may also be of interest to you:

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