Cramps in the legs – What helps best?

During a cramp in the legs, calf cramp or cramps in the thigh muscles, the muscles contract, harden and remain so for seconds to minutes until the cramp usually resolves itself. The contraction of a muscle is normally necessary for movement. However, if the tension no longer resolves itself, it is a cramp.

As a rule, these cramps in the legs are considered harmless. However, if they occur more frequently, last longer and are accompanied by severe pain, and even the use of stretching exercises does not lead to an improvement, a doctor should be consulted. This should be done especially when accompanied by numbness and tingling, muscular weakness or other symptoms such as headaches or night sweats.

Even if the muscle cramps occur in other parts of the body and if they are accompanied by fatigue, tiredness and movement insecurity, the attending physician should also be consulted. Approximately 40% of the population is occasionally plagued by cramps in the legs. Muscle cramps must be distinguished from muscle spasms, which also cause muscle cramps, but which are usually painless.

Cramps in the legs after sports

Typically, muscle cramps in the legs occur after or even during sport. This is usually the case if the muscles have been excessively strained by sport or if the sport has been done very one-sidedly. Doing sports during very high temperatures, accompanied by insufficient fluid intake and heavy sweat production, also often causes cramps in the legs.

It is particularly dangerous when cramps occur during swimming. This is usually the case when swimming in very cold water. If sport is resumed after a long non-sporting phase, for example after a break from injury, muscle cramps usually occur after or during sport because the muscles have shortened during the resting phase.

If the cramp occurs during sport, it is helpful to stop the physical activity, stretch the lower leg and massage it lightly. Sometimes the cramp can be caused by an ill-fitting sports shoe or sportswear that fits too tightly, so this should be checked. To relax the muscles, you should walk loosely and drink something to rebalance the fluid balance. If the temperature is cold, socks or long trousers should be worn.