Creams for the face | These creams can help with neurodermatitis

Creams for the face

The skin on the face is particularly susceptible in neurodermatitis patients, as it is not protected by clothing. Cold, heat, pollen and other environmental factors can worsen the skin’s appearance. Shaving for men or make-up for women can cause additional problems.

For this reason, the skin should be cleaned with water if possible and then creamed with a moisturizing cream for dry skin. To remove make-up, it is advisable to use a gentle cleansing milk. Peelings and masks usually tend to irritate dry skin, so it is better to avoid them. or neurodermatitis of the eye

Creams suitable for children and babies

Especially with babies and children, most parents are rather careful about which chemicals are applied to the sensitive skin of children. Already with small things like a change of diet, some things can be done with neurodermatitis. Many children with neurodermatitis also have a food allergy, which worsens the skin condition when they come into contact with the allergenic substance in the food.

The allergen should therefore be determined by an allergologist or a pediatrician. If an allergy occurs to a certain fruit or vegetable, the food can be treated in the future by replacing it with other types of fruit and vegetables. However, if you have an intolerance to dairy products, you should seek special nutritional advice, as milk contains important substances for the growth of children that are otherwise lacking.

A balanced diet is especially important at a young age, so that diets should first be discussed with a doctor or nutritionist before the child is deprived of important substances. Also, citrus fruits and intensive spices should not be consumed too much as they can cause itching, which aggravates the symptoms. In addition, creams containing urea or polidocanol can be used to support the skin. These keep the liquid in the skin or very efficiently take away the unpleasant itching and burning sensation. Especially with children, it is very useful to be pain-free so that the child is well.