Criticism of slimming coffee | Coffee to lose weight – What’s behind it?

Criticism of slimming coffee

The Fatburner effect of the Chlorogensäure was examined in different scientific studies and with positively changed nutrition and sport the weight-reducing effect could be proven. However one must be careful, because the capsule from green coffee for itself or the cup coffee between the meals alone does not lead to the desired effect. Only by combination with a behavior change the pounds fall.

The weight-reducing effect of these dietary supplements therefore only takes effect if the diet is changed in a healthy and balanced way and, especially at the beginning of the diet, fewer calories are taken in with the food. In addition, sport should be taken in order to effectively boost the metabolism. The media often make the products look as if they alone melt the fat, which is unfortunately not true.

What are the risks of losing weight with coffee?

Green coffee extract is generally considered to be very well tolerated. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, you should first test with 1-2 capsules daily to see if the cholorgenic acid irritates the stomach. This is comparable to black coffee, which can cause stomach irritation in sensitive people. An overdose can have a negative effect on sleep patterns and cardiovascular system and cause headaches.

Medical evaluation of the diet

Losing weight with coffee is in principle a diet that depends on one’s own discipline and personal goals. You decide individually what you eat and how much exercise you do. This means that particularly motivated and disciplined people can effectively work on their desired weight with the help of the capsules.

Depending on your diet and training, you can therefore selectively melt away the excess pounds. The capsules are generally well tolerated and harmless, as long as they are not enormously overdosed. Losing weight with coffee is a healthy way to lose weight over a long period of time and is therefore also suitable for fighting overweight.

It is important in this diet that the capsules alone do not guarantee a successful weight loss. In order to actually lose fat, it is absolutely necessary to change your diet and do some sports. In this way you can work on your desired weight in a healthy way and follow the diet for weeks or months. In order to avoid a yo-yo effect, you should maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly when you reach your target weight after the end of the diet.