Criticism of the Kornspitz diet | Kornspitz diet

Criticism of the Kornspitz diet

Who would like to successfully lose weight in the long run and does not want to gain his old kilos again after transition to a balanced diet, should not waste his energy on crash diets. The great successes at the beginning motivate, but in the long run these diets are monotonous, strength-robbing and partly even unhealthy. The body must at least be sufficiently supplied with proteins and healthy fats, because these are building blocks that it cannot produce itself.

In addition, all vitamins and trace elements should also be contained in the food supplied. In a crash diet like the Kornspitz diet, too little protein is supplied, resulting in a loss of muscle mass. In addition, almost no fats are consumed, which can have a considerable effect on the metabolism and hormonal status of the body.

In addition, many people suffer from low carbohydrate intake and are disturbed by fatigue and concentration difficulties until their normal working day. In addition, sporting activity becomes a strain. However, everyday exercise, targeted strength training and endurance training are, along with nutrition, an important key to a slim figure and a healthy and efficient body.

Medical evaluation of the Kornspitz diet

A balanced diet that provides the body with all the essential nutrients is preferable to any crash and mono diet. The body needs protein and fats to keep the metabolism going and to regenerate cells. Vitamins and trace elements must also be supplied through food, as they are not synthesized by the body itself.

A slight calorie deficit in a balanced diet does not bring success as quickly at first, but it can be sustained longer and is healthier in the long run. Thus, one can lose weight in a healthy way over a longer period of time. Besides diet, exercise should also play an important role: Strength training preserves muscle mass, which also uses up energy at rest and can thus support weight loss. Light endurance training is also beneficial for the cardiovascular system, and plenty of exercise in everyday life lowers the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and heart disease in old age. The following articles may also be of interest to you:

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