Cystectomy of the tooth

What is a cystectomy?

A cystectomy is the complete surgical removal of a small jaw cyst with subsequent wound closure. The cyst is opened, emptied and completely removed. The resulting cavity is then filled with a bone replacement material.

If this has not already been done, a cystectomy can also be combined with a root syringe resection or root canal treatment. In general, a cystectomy is performed primarily for small cysts. If the cyst is already very large, the surgical treatment of a cystotomy can be considered.

Indications for a cystectomy

The main indication for performing a cystectomy, i.e. a complete surgical removal of a cyst, is generally the presence of a cyst in the jaw. A jaw cyst is a cavity that is filled with fluid. The reasons for its development can be very different.

In many cases, however, the cause is a dead tooth. Since the fluid cannot drain off, the cyst begins to grow, displacing the jawbone and surrounding tissue. For this reason a cyst must always be removed and treated.

Nowadays, a cystectomy is performed when there are no disadvantages for the patient. In the case of more extensive cysts in the lower jaw, it must always be considered whether the cystectomy can be performed without damaging the neighboring structures. In addition, the age and general condition of the patient concerned must be taken into account in the indication for a cystectomy. In a dental practice, a cystectomy should only be performed on cysts if the cyst does not significantly exceed the alveolar process.

How is the diagnosis of a jaw cyst made?

In order to diagnose a cyst in general, after a medical history, attention is preferably paid to protrusions, contour changes and pressure sensitivity. Furthermore, the affected tooth is checked for vitality. The cyst may be indentable or hard, depending on how far it has already grown into the bone.

For further diagnostics, also with regard to the treatment procedure, an x-ray image is taken. An indication for the performance of a cystectomy is the size and location of the cyst. A histological finding is decisive for a clear diagnosis of a cyst and for the decision to perform a cystectomy. This can precisely determine the type of cyst.