Cytostatic Therapy: Vinca Alkaloids

Active ingredients Dosage Special features
Vinblastine 6 mg/m² (maximum 10 mg/m²) i. v. Vinca alkaloids must be administered strictly intravenously (“into the vein“). Extravasation (injection of fluid into tissue adjacent to the punctured vessel) causes severe necrosis (“tissue death”).
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m² (maximum 2.0 mg absolute) i. v.
  • Mode of action: Vinca alkaloids such as vinblastine and vincristine can form a bond with the protein tubulin, inhibiting the formation of microtubules. Thus, vinca alkaloids prevent the distribution of chromosomes to daughter cells during cell division, so that apoptosis (cell death) is initiated.
  • Caveat: Inthratecal “into the cerebrospinal fluid space”, nervous fluid) administration of vincristine is lethal.
  • Side effects: Polyneuropathy (nerve damage), nausea (nausea), vomiting, constipation (constipation), paralytic ileus (paralysis-induced bowel obstruction) – depending on the drug; vincristine can cause uncomfortable jaw pain.
  • Contemporaneous use of certain azole antifungals (itraconazole and voriconazole, but not fluconazole) causes significant exacerbation of neurotoxicity (“nerve toxicity”) due to interaction with cytochrome P450

The effects, indications, side effects and substances listed above represent an overview and do not claim to be complete.