Danger of infection of the oral cavity | Oral thrush for the baby

Danger of infection of the oral cavity

In principle, a oral thrush is contagious. It can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact. Contaminated food or objects (for example pacifiers) can also lead to transmission.

However, it is very unlikely that a baby with a healthy immune system will be infected with oral thrush. People with a weakened immune system are at risk, for example through drug therapy or an immune deficiency such as AIDS. Otherwise, there is no need to be afraid of getting infected in the baby.

However, good hygiene is very important to generally prevent infections with yeast fungi that cause oral thrush. Objects that the baby puts in its mouth should always be cleaned. This is also in the interest of the sick child, as otherwise it will always come into contact with the germs. Breastfeeding mothers, should coat their nipples with a prescribed antimycotic ointment to prevent the baby from becoming infected.