Defibrillating: Treatment, Effect & Risks

In medicine, a body temperature above 38 degrees is called a fever. If the curve rises to over 39.5 degrees, then we are talking about high fever. The Entfiebern is a measure, which serves to counteract this symptom.

What is defibrillation?

A person’s body temperature fluctuates during the course of a day. It is regulated in a part of the diencephalon called the hypothalamus. Fever releases the body’s own defenses. For example, leukocytes (white blood cells) are stimulated to work harder. An increased release of interferon also sets in and both activities in the hypothalamus cause the natural fever to break. A warm meal or strenuous activity, such as exercise, sometimes causes the temperature to rise by about 2 degrees. Elderly people and young children also often have an elevated body temperature if their fluid balance is not in order. In this case, de-fevering is done by giving them drinks. If this is not possible by oral means, hospitalization is required. The necessary fluids are administered to the affected person through the administration of infusions. A simple saline solution, without the addition of medication, then provides fever relief.

Function, effect, and goals

Even when fever is not a disease in its own right, it can cause serious damage to the body. Therefore, defibrillation is vital. In infants, if high body temperature is not treated in a timely manner, their bodies respond with convulsions that can very quickly lead to death. Febrile convulsions are dangerous and can be prevented, for example, by administering plenty of fluids. Adults also show the signs of convulsions when they have a very high fever. It can also be observed that they suffer from perceptual disturbances, comparable to delirium. Sometimes this leads to permanent brain damage. Mild fever can initially be contained with simple home remedies. Calf compresses have been considered a recipe against high body temperature for many years. For this purpose, a towel is soaked in cold water and placed on the lower legs of the affected person. In many cases, this lowers the body temperature. However, the de-fever must not proceed too quickly. The circulatory system cannot tolerate this and collapse would be the result. Under medical supervision, the fever can also be reduced with medication. The specialist administers a suitable drug that reduces the fever. In doing so, he makes sure that he fights the triggering factor at the same time. Both viruses and bacteria can be responsible for fever. Examination of the urine and/or blood provides information. A blood sedimentation shows within minutes whether an inflammation has formed in the body and this is the reason for the fever. When fever is removed under medical supervision, checking vital signs is routinely included. In people who are permanently bedridden, the stressed areas of the skin tend to form necrosis. This means that the skin is insufficiently supplied with blood and dies. In these cases, defibrillation is performed by removing the necrotic areas.

Risks, side effects, and hazards

Chills are a symptom of fever. Even in high heat, the affected person suddenly begins to feel cold. Neither a thick blanket nor hot tea or the hot water bottle will prevent him from shivering all over his body. This is because muscle contractions generate heat. Due to the increased temperature, this body function is restricted and the person freezes. In such a case, it is necessary to quickly take care of de-fever. Antipyretics and calf compresses are among the emergency measures. If there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, medical advice is required. This also applies if the fever comes down too quickly. If the high body temperature drops within a short time, this is a great strain on the cardiovascular system and must be treated medically. This acute emergency is also called a crisis. Defevering should not be done without examining the affected person. This will determine whether bacteria or viruses are the cause of the temperature increase. A tumor or malignant lymphadenitis may also be responsible for the fever. The administration of antibiotics or other fever-reducing drugs can therefore only be targeted once blood and urine tests have been performed. In lytic fever-removal, the decrease in temperature occurs slowly. The time scale here is about 24 hours.It is only possible under medical supervision. There are different procedures under the technical term lysis. The goal is the same for all of them: Bacteria, viruses or drainage obstacles are dissolved or destroyed by suitable drugs. Outflow obstructions within the body can be blood clots or stones. The removal of kidney and gallstones therefore automatically leads to the removal of the patient’s fever. However, self-treatment with medications that are still available as leftovers in the medicine cabinet can also have dire consequences. This applies, for example, to the ill-considered use of antibiotics. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), also known as ‘multi-resistant germs‘, arose, among other things, from the fact that antibiotics were taken too frequently and in an ill-considered manner. In the meantime, there are germs that are immune to any medication, which is why patients sometimes cannot be treated. Defibrillation is indeed important if the fever curve is too high for several days, but the administration of penicillin is thus not fundamentally necessary and always requires a prior examination.