Degenerative Myelopathy | Physiotherapy for myelopathy

Degenerative Myelopathy

In the course of life, physical structures also change. In old age, these decompose more than how they are built. Joints wear out and arthrosis (degeneration) develops.

This occurs not only in the extremities, but also in the small joints of the spine.Osteophytes develop and can grow into the spinal canal and compress the peripheral nerves. This leads to myelopathy. In addition to the joints, the quality of the intervertebral discs also changes.

The cartilaginous ring, which holds the gelatinous core inside, can be irritated and pressed through the core into the spinal canal. The cause of myelopathy here is a herniated intervertebral disc. It is therefore important in the treatment of myelopathy to always treat the cause as well.

Besides degenerative diseases, trauma can also be the cause of myelopathy. Here, the myelopathy is named after its cervical localization. Since the constriction already takes place in the cervical area, symptoms can occur from the arms.

These range from pain to paresis. In addition, vital vessels run in the cervical spine section, which can be compressed in the case of myelopathy and therefore early diagnosis is important. In cervical myelopathy, physiotherapy focuses on the entire body.

The hands in particular have complex functions to perform. Exercising is not easy and requires intensive functional therapy by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist. Especially food or other fine motor activities must be preserved in order to continue to make everyday life possible for the patient. The articles listed here may also be of interest to you:

  • Spinal canal stenosis in the cervical spine physiotherapy
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Myelopathy is the result of compression of the spinal cord and its peripheral nerves. It leads to a disturbance of the signal transmission from the brain to the rest of the body. The higher the segment of the affected spinal column section is, the more regions of the body are affected.

Therefore, the cause of the myelopathy must be determined and treated along with the symptoms. In this way, physiotherapy can help the patient to become more independent and to continue in his everyday life.