Dementia: When People Become Different

In Germany, around 1.6 million people suffer from dementia. Around 300,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. If memory and behavior change, it is by no means necessarily a normal symptom of old age. But at the beginning, differentiation is not easy. Years often pass before the diagnosis is made.

Early diagnosis often difficult

Not infrequently, the lack of insight into the disease on the part of those affected, as well as covering up the changes, prevents early treatment. Relatives often evaluate the “change” of the affected person as wanton, deliberate action and do not suspect that a serious old-age disease is behind it.

Relatives are often helpless in the face of the effects of the disease. At the end of their tether, they see no other way out than to institutionalize their beloved relative. Supporting these relatives is a social task. With early diagnosis and a rapid start to therapy, the quality of life of those affected can be significantly improved. Life in the family circle then remains possible for longer.

When knowledge fades

“Being without a mind” is the meaning of the term dementia, describing, among other things, an increasing loss of the mental abilities and sense of direction of those affected. Thus, a formerly successful and independent person can become more helpless from year to year. He forgets names, misplaces things and has difficulty finding the right words. At worst, he no longer recognizes his closest relatives.

When traits change

“Being without a mind” also means that dementia patients are removed from their original behaviors and character traits. This can include accusing a relative of stealing a purse, or the always kind mother suddenly becoming odd, scolding for no reason and nagging about everything.

Nighttime wandering resulting in severe fatigue during the day are also characteristics that point to dementia. All of these changes can occur well before the first memory problems.

Maintaining dignity in old age

The cause of dementia symptoms are changes in the brain. Substances that influence actions and feelings are located there. If the metabolism is disturbed, the described abnormalities occur. Today, these disorders can be treated well at any stage with modern drugs known as atypicals. Active ingredients such as risperidone ensure that the metabolic processes in the brain become normal again.

The person affected becomes more sociable and family life more relaxed. Today, memory loss can also be curbed by administering antidementia drugs such as galantamine (originally derived from the snowdrop). To comprehensively treat the symptoms of dementia, antidementives and atypicals are often combined. Memory training, behavioral therapy or sociotherapy should also be used as a supplement. In this way, brain power is strengthened.