
The Dermaroller is a device used in aesthetic medicine for cosmetic treatment of the skin, especially in the facial area, but also, for example, for cellulite in other areas of the body. It is a new type of so-called minimally invasive, percutaneous collagen induction therapy (CIT; PCI). Small, very fine needles are used in the treatment with the Dermaroller. For this reason, the procedure is also called microneedling. In cosmetic needling, a nail length of 0.1-0.5 mm is used, and in medical or surgical needling (medical needling), a nail length of 3 mm is used. From about 1 mm nail length, intradermal (“into the skin“) bleeding is produced in the form of petechiae (“flea-like bleeding”). By microtrauma (very small injuries) of the needles, an inflammatory reaction is set in motion, which promotes the self-healing powers of the skin and can improve the skin’s appearance.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Wrinkles
    • Periorbital (eye wrinkles)
    • Perioral (mouth wrinkles)
  • Scars
    • Acne scars
    • Flat and atrophic scars
    • Hypertrophic hubs* (scar tends to bulge and rises above the surrounding skin level).
    • Keloids* (bulging scar).
    • Burn scars (scalds, UV radiation)* .
  • Pigmentation disorders
  • Cellulite
  • Striae gravidarum (stretch marks) or striae cutis distensae (stretch marks).
  • Sagging connective tissue
  • Incipient aging of the skin

* Treatment requires medical needling

Before treatment

Before starting the treatment should be an educational and counseling discussion between the doctor and the patient. The content of the conversation should be the goals, expectations and the possibilities of the treatment, as well as side effects and risks. Before the dermaroller procedure, an intensive moisturizing treatment with vitamins A and C is very effective, as it supports the skin’s ability to regenerate. The patient should be informed about the treatment. Anticoagulants (blood thinning medications such as acetylsalicylic acid/ASS) should be discontinued as far as possible approximately 14 days prior to treatment. Infections such as the HI virus or hepatitis should be excluded. When treating the face, it is advisable to avoid makeup.

The procedure

In dermaroller treatment, cosmetic application must be distinguished from medical application. A key distinguishing feature is the depth of the punctures. In cosmetic treatment, the fine needles penetrate only superficially into the epidermis (epidermis), while in medical treatment they penetrate deeper. Note: In medical needling, on the other hand, the epidermis and dermis (dermis) are punctured with fine needles. First, the skin area to be treated is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. To avoid pain, a cream containing a local anesthetic (numbing agent) is applied. After the appropriate exposure time, the residue of the cream is removed and the face is disinfected. The dermaroller is now rolled 4 to 5 times on the skin surface in horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. Small bleeding may occur during the medical treatment, which is dabbed with sterile saline solution. Finally, the skin is carefully cleaned again and covered with an oily cream. Depending on the indication, the treatment can be performed several times. The microtraumas (small injuries) start the regular wound healing process of the skin. First, the immune system is activated, and finally, epidermal cells proliferate (grow and multiply). This results in the synthesis of collagen and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels). Finally, the tissue is renewed over a period of several months and the skin is tightened. First results can be objectively assessed after 6-8 weeks. The melanocytes located in the basement membrane are not injured.

After the treatment

Minor redness and swelling may occur after the procedure. The patient should not apply any other skin care products to the treated skin and should avoid strong sun exposure.


The dermaroller is a method of improving the appearance of the skin that can be used for medical purposes in addition to purely cosmetic indications. The result can enhance the patient’s well-being and self-confidence.