Detect and Treat Nail Fungus

Nail fungus and skin fungus are difficult to avoid. But not every contact necessarily leads to infection. Only when small wounds or a poor immune defense open the gates for them, the pathogens become a danger. Fungi feel particularly at home in warm, humid climates. That is why they prefer to spread on the feet: especially like “athlete’s foot” between the toes or as nail fungus, especially on the nail of the big toe. How to recognize the symptoms of nail fungus and what helps against such a fungal infection, you will learn below.

Athlete’s foot and nail fungus are closely related

Nail fungus is also called onychomycosis (onycho = nail, mycosis = fungal disease). This fungal disease has much in common with athlete’s foot, because the causative agents of both forms are closely related in most cases, so that athlete’s foot can develop into nail fungus and vice versa. Two thirds of the cases are caused by filamentous fungi (dermatophytes, especially Trichophyton rubrum) – in this case nail fungus is also called tinea unguium. Less common culprits are yeasts (Candida) or molds. The incubation period, i.e. the time from infection to the onset of symptoms, is about one to two weeks for filamentous fungi.

Nail fungus is contagious

Fungi are transmitted from person to person, usually through spores in the small skin flakes that everyone sheds. That’s why you get infected especially often where you walk barefoot and there is a climate that is comfortable for fungi, that is:

  • In the swimming pool
  • In the sauna
  • In the locker room of the gym or
  • In the hotel shower

However, a toenail fungus can also arise from a toenail fungus, so the infection can also happen “in a roundabout way”.

Risk groups: Who gets nail fungus particularly often?

So that the fungi cause a nail fungus, must be present in addition, however, certain factors. These include, for example:

  • A hereditary susceptibility
  • An immune deficiency
  • Vascular or nervous diseases (angiopathies, neuropathies), such as those associated with diabetes or other metabolic disorders
  • Malpositions of the feet
  • Too tight shoes, which favor the emergence of nail fungus especially on the big and little toe
  • Repeated injuries (for example, during sports)

Nail fungus occurs most often on the toes of the feet. Here, women are particularly often affected, because tight shoes and malpositions of the feet, which can be favored by heeled shoes, increase the risk of developing nail fungus. Hand nail fungus occurs much less frequently in comparison. Men are more frequently affected by nail fungus on the fingers than women. In children, nail fungus generally occurs less frequently.

Nail fungus carries risks

Nail fungal diseases are not only a cosmetic problem. Especially for diabetics, a nail fungus infection carries dangers. This is because the spores cause injuries to the nail and surrounding skin, through which bacteria can penetrate. In the case of poorly controlled diabetes or circulatory disorders, there is then a risk of serious infections on the feet and legs. If a nail fungus on the foot is not treated, there is a risk of erysipelas on the leg. Recognize nail fungus: Pictures of typical symptoms

Detect nail fungus: typical symptoms

Fungal spores change the structure of the nail material. The following symptoms are typical for a nail fungus on the toenail or fingernail, although the fungal infection can manifest itself in different ways and is often difficult to recognize, especially in the beginning:

  • The nail thickens.
  • The affected nail becomes whitish or yellowish-brownish. A gray or greenish discoloration is also possible.
  • White spots and stripes appear on the nail, which can be both longitudinal and transverse grooves.
  • The nail becomes brittle, brittle and crumbles off when cutting the nail – if necessary, individual layers split off.
  • Sometimes the nail loosens and lifts off the nail bed.
  • An inflamed nail bed is also not uncommon.
  • Sometimes a nail fungus can cause itching.
  • With toenail fungus can cause pain when walking or tight shoes.

If dermatophytes, thread fungi, are at work, the changes usually begin at the free edge of the nail.If yeast fungi are responsible for the infection, the discoloration is more likely to appear on the nail wall, i.e. where the nail grows out – the nail that grows back is then also immediately infected with the fungus. Nail fungus infections are often difficult to detect with the naked eye. Therefore, many affected people do not notice the nail changes or do not associate them with a fungal infection. But: If a nail fungus is not treated consistently, it can spread unhindered to the healthy nails – also to the fingernails. Therefore, if you suspect nail fungus, be sure to see a doctor.

Diagnosis by the doctor

Complete security gives an examination of the nail material at the doctor. He takes a nail sample for this purpose. Stained with a special ink, the fungal spores are easy to recognize. With these, a fungal culture is created, which provides information about the type of pathogen – this is important for the appropriate therapy.

Check nails regularly

Those who are no longer agile enough to carefully check their nails themselves should see a podiatrist from time to time. Podiatrists are state-approved medical chiropodists who also know the special risks associated with diabetes and are able to recognize a nail fungus with a trained eye. This allows toenail fungus to be detected and treated early.