Detox Cure: Detoxification for the Body

It is considered the magic bullet against excess weight and for detoxification of the body par excellence: the detox cure. Around this term, various diets and numerous products can be found, which are supposed to support the body to cleanse itself of toxins. But what exactly is a detox cure? What should be taken into account with alkaline and juice cures? And does a detox diet really do any good? We provide the answers.

What is a detox cure?

The term “detox” is the abbreviation of the English word “detoxification“, which means detoxification. So a detox cure is the “modern” term for a detoxification or purification cure by means of a special diet. From this point of view, the detox cure is therefore nothing new, because similar forms of diet have already been used for many centuries – especially in alternative medicine.

What does a detox cure do?

A tired appearance, a few kilos too much on the scales and generally an exhausted and listless state of mind – this sounds familiar to many. Because everyday vices such as nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, stress, an unhealthy diet and too little exercise and sleep do the body no good in the long run. In principle, the body can rid itself of harmful substances on its own. However, if several of the above-mentioned factors come together over a longer period of time, the organism can be overburdened with detoxification according to the detox philosophy. A detoxification cure should be able to remedy precisely this exhausted state of the body by supporting the body’s self-cleansing powers. In addition, the body should be brought back into an optimal balance.

What happens during a detox cure?

The detoxifying organs liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines, skin and lymphatic system are to be stimulated to increased activity during the detox diet. The body is thus to be detoxified, the metabolism boosted and blood pressure, cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels lowered. Due to the low calorie intake during the detox diet, you can also easily lose a kilo or two.

How does a detox diet work?

To the question of how a detox cure works, there are two answers or variants (the terms “cure” and “diet” are used synonymously):

  1. In the Detox diet, which is similar to fasting, solid food is completely dispensed with. Instead, tea, water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable broth are on the menu.
  2. In the second variant of the detox diet, only alkaline foods are allowed.

Both forms of detox diet we present in detail below.

What must be observed during a detox cure?

No matter which of the two variants you choose – The following six tips are to be observed when carrying out a detox cure:

  1. Of great importance is that the body gets enough fluid. Ideal are two to three liters of still water or unsweetened herbal tea a day – even with a detox cure with juice.
  2. The daily calorie intake should not exceed 800 kilocalories during the detox cure. Nevertheless, you need to eat a balanced and varied diet to avoid a lack of nutrients, minerals or vitamins. For longer diets, you should consult with a doctor.
  3. Unhealthy vices such as smoking, alcohol, coffee and snacking are taboo during the detox cure.
  4. Sufficient sleep and rest in everyday life support the recovery process of the body.
  5. Moderate sports perfectly complement the detox cure. Sports such as gymnastics or yoga activate the lymphatic system and support blood circulation.
  6. Plan at the beginning and end of a detox cure, in which you do without solid food, three relief days each, in which they take light, alkaline foods. So you avoid that the circulation is overloaded by a too rapid changeover.

In addition, the detox diet should only be done if you meet the physical requirements. What these are, we explain below.

Detox diet is not suitable for everyone

A basic requirement for a detox diet is that one is healthy. Anyone with health conditions such as impaired kidney function or heart problems, as well as anyone who suffers or once suffered from mental health problems or an eating disorder, should only follow a detox diet under medical supervision. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should also refrain from this cure.

Detoxification: scientific evidence lacking

That one loses weight with a daily intake of less than 800 kilocalories is obvious. However, according to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), it has not yet been scientifically proven that a detox cure promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Although individual studies indicate that a Detox cure could have positive effects on the detoxification of the liver – these are however not meaningful due to unsatisfactory scientific methodology or a small number of cases. Most experts emphasize that the healthy human body can rid itself of harmful substances without outside help. Short-term flash diets remained without long-term success. Who feels too thick or exhausted, should change instead its nutrition and way of life on a long-term basis. Eating healthy, drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough exercise and sleep are the be-all and end-all for physical and mental well-being.

Detox cure with alkaline foods

In this form of detox cure, solid food is allowed, but it is not allowed to reach for every food. This is because the detox formula here relies exclusively on alkaline foods. What you can and cannot eat on such a detox diet and how the cure works, you can find out here.

What are the benefits of a detox diet with alkaline foods?

Our well-being depends, among other things, on the fact that the acid-base ratio in the body is balanced. It is true that over-acidification of the body is extremely unlikely due to the wrong diet alone, as the body’s own mechanisms are capable of balancing out excessive acidity (for example, via the kidneys). However, initial scientific studies indicate that a diet that is permanently highly acidifying could nevertheless have a negative effect on the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood as well as on the cardiovascular and bone systems. A varied diet in the sense of a balance between bases and acids is therefore recommended in any case. To restore the balance between acids and bases, the Detox Formula prescribes exclusively or at least predominantly alkaline foods. This is because an alkaline diet is intended to provide the body with minerals and nutrients that are easy to absorb, thereby relieving the detoxifying organs. In this way, the acid-base balance is brought back into equilibrium. In the long run, experts do not recommend such a diet, as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies. However, for a limited period of time, an alkaline detox diet is not detrimental.

Alkaline foods: what is allowed?

If you think you have to starve yourself on a detox diet, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Because there are numerous delicious foods on the detox menu. Allowed foods are all alkaline foods. These include, for example:

  • Ripe fruits and dried fruit
  • Potatoes
  • Salads with bitter substances such as radicchio or arugula
  • Olives
  • Soybeans
  • Almonds
  • Sesame
  • Dried fruit
  • Spices and herbs
  • Generally any vegetable except tomatoes

It makes sense to use only organic and preferably unprocessed foods for the detox cure, as they are free of toxins.

What is not allowed?

Not allowed are acid-forming foods such as:

  • Animal foods and fats such as meat, sausage, fish and eggs.
  • Cereals and cereal products such as bread and pasta
  • Mustard
  • Vinegar
  • Cashew nuts, peanuts, pistachios
  • Sugar and sugary drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Caffeinated beverages
  • Dyes and flavorings
  • Gluten

A free plan or instructions for a detox cure with alkaline foods can be found on the Internet or in books on the subject of detox cure. For example, you can start the day with a smoothie, enjoy a delicious detox salad at lunch and in the evening still have a light soup.

How long should a detox cure with alkaline foods last?

There is no universal answer to the question of how long a detox cure should last. Instead, everyone must decide this for themselves individually, as they feel comfortable. There are variants of the detox cure with alkaline foods, which last from three to 21 days. Beginners are advised to start with a 3- or 5-day cure.Advanced and professionals who have experience in “detoxing” can also do a 7, 14 or 21 day cure. Information on detox juice cures can be found on the following page.