Dewberry: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Dewberry is an ancient medicinal plant that has a very unusual appearance. Therefore, in the past it was said to have magical powers. The plant was planted in front of the house and was supposed to protect its inhabitants from evil spirits. In the Middle Ages, people expected it to protect them from the plague. The narcotic effect of the medicinal plant was already known to the famous physician Paracelsus (16th century).

Occurrence and cultivation of the dewberry

The dewberry bears a roundish purple-black berry about one centimeter in size, which tastes slightly sweet. This berry looks deceptively similar to the blueberry. The dewberry – botanically Paris quadrifolia – belongs to the lily family of plants (Liliaceae) and is related to the lily of the valley. The plant has four ovate and lanceolate leaves grouped like a whorl around the long stem of the plant. The leaves, which have entire margins, are veined like a net. In their center, a single, filigree-looking yellow-green flower is terminal during the May/June blooming season. It later bears a roundish purple-black berry about one centimeter in size that tastes slightly sweet. The perennial herbaceous plant, also called fox’s eye, devil’s eye, four-leaf and wolfberry, reaches a height of 20 to 30 centimeters in spring and sprouts from a horizontal rootstock. The dewberry is found in Europe and in Western Asia. It likes shady and semi-shady places and moist soils rich in nutrients and humus. It is found preferably in sparse floodplains, coniferous, oak and beech forests. In the Alps it can be found up to an altitude of 1900 meters. Because its berry looks deceptively similar to the blueberry, confusion sometimes occurs.

Effect and application

Of the dewberry, usually only the herb collected during the flowering period in May/June and then dried is used. It contains pectin, asparagine, saponins – slightly toxic substances with which the plant protects itself against its natural enemies – organic acids, the glycosides paridin and paristyphnin, and pennogenin. Because of its high content of saponins, the ancient medicinal herb has a toxic effect if taken in too high doses: It damages the central nervous system, kidneys and red blood cells. In very low concentrations or highly diluted, however, the unberry is used in naturopathy and homeopathy against various diseases. Conventional medicine no longer makes use of it, as it considers its use too risky. The fresh herb is processed into homeopathic remedies of the dose D3 to D6. The dried herb can be used by the patient as medicinal tea and tincture internally and externally. For example, it is drizzled on poultices, which are then wrapped around swellings and inflamed areas of the body. The antiseptic properties of the ancient medicinal herb cause rapid healing of ulcers and inflamed eyes. It is also still used as an additive in medicinal baths. In the form of tablets (teep) the fresh plant trituration is taken 3 times a day. It contains 0.0025 grams of unberry. However, patients who wish to use the medicinal plant, which has been known for a long time, should take care to consume only the smallest amounts of it and always adhere to the recommended maximum dose, as only then it will not have any side effects. Consumption of a single berry can cause even mild symptoms of poisoning: The user vomits, has diarrhea, headaches and dizziness. To prevent this, it is best to spit out the entire contents of the mouth and drink a lot of water afterwards. If the dose is extremely high (for example, if several berries are ingested), death may result from respiratory paralysis.

Health significance, treatment, and prevention.

If the patient takes the dried and crushed herb of the unberry as a medicinal tea, it can effectively eliminate migraines, nervous heart complaints and nerve pain, especially of the head area. In addition, unberry tea helps against various inflammations and the spasmodic expectoration in bronchitis. The tincture can also be used against these complaints. It, too, should be consumed only in a very diluted form to avoid poisoning. The paridin contained in the herb of the unberry has an effect similar to digitalis, as it strengthens the heart. The glycoside paristyphnin has a strong narcotic effect.Naturopathy appreciates unicorn preparations in low dosage because they can be used to relieve eye pain, neuralgia, headache and migraine associated with vomiting of bile. The main active ingredients are mainly the analgesic and anti-inflammatory glycosides and saponins. In addition, the patient can treat nervous heart complaints, angina pectoris (because of the paridine), joint rheumatism and nose and ear catarrh with unicorn preparations. Inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract are cured with the unberry as well as milk fever, dizziness, insomnia and the absence of menstruation. From the juice of fresh unberry leaves and its seeds, the patient can prepare an ointment to apply on ulcers and poorly healing wounds. Already after a short time he feels an improvement of his condition. With the tincture obtained from the herb, he discharges dangerous arsenic and mercury. However, this medicinal effect of the unberry has not yet been proven by clinical studies. For homeopathic use, the dewberry is strongly diluted as cold water and as an alcohol extract. In the potencies D3 to D6 it helps against nerve pain, eye irritation caused by colds, glaucoma, respiratory inflammation, nervous restlessness states, migraine, heart complaints and respiratory diseases. The homeopathic medicine can also be used against any kind of inflammation.