Diagnosis | Boils after shaving


The diagnosis of a furuncle after a shave or intimate shave is usually made without much effort. The mere description that a painful nodule has formed on the skin a few hours or a day after shaving suggests a boil as the cause. Ultimately, the diagnosis is based on a look at the affected body part.

If the shaved skin shows a limited, highly red and possibly bulging lump, it is usually a boil. If the swelling is very large, it can be difficult to distinguish it from a carbuncle. This is a fused inflammation of several hair roots. Further measures such as blood tests in the laboratory are usually not necessary for the diagnosis of a boil after shaving.


The main symptom of a boil after shaving is usually pain. Especially in the genital area these can be very unpleasant and can cause severe discomfort, especially when walking or sitting, depending on the location. The pain character is, as typical for an inflammation, usually throbbing and dull.

Further symptoms are one or more strongly reddened nodules, whereby the surrounding skin is also reddened. Due to the inflammation of the hair follicles responsible for a boil after shaving, a yellowish or white pustule may also appear, in which on closer inspection even the hair root may be visible. As a rule, a boil after shaving does not cause any symptoms beyond those mentioned above.Only in very rare cases and under certain circumstances can a harmless boil develop into a serious skin infection.

Possible symptoms can then be fever, chills and fatigue, as well as a distinct swelling and reddening of the causative skin region. In such a case you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Risk factors for these serious processes are, for example, severe overweight and diabetes.


In case of a small boil after shaving or intimate shaving, treatment is not always necessary. It is often sufficient to clean the affected skin area regularly and to refrain from further shaving or other skin irritations until the boil has healed. However, one can also support the healing process by applying moist warm compresses to the inflamed area or by applying a so-called pulling ointment.

In the case of a large boil with a thick boil, treatment by a doctor may even be necessary. Under sterile conditions, the doctor makes a small puncture or cut to open the pustule. The area must then be thoroughly disinfected and protected with a bandage.

As a rule, an appointment is made for a follow-up examination. In case of particularly severe inflammation after shaving, the doctor will even initiate a therapy with an antibiotic. This is either applied locally as an ointment to the boil or even taken in the form of tablets. You can find more information on the topic of treatment on our Boil Treatment page