Diagnosis | Burning on the nipple


If the burning of the nipples persists for a long time, a doctor should be consulted to rule out serious causes. The appropriate specialist in this case would be your own gynaecologist. The doctor can draw initial conclusions by looking at the nipple (Is it externally changed?

Are there signs of inflammation?) and then palpate the breast for further changes. In most cases, a cause can already be found by talking to the doctor. Further examinations, such as a blood sample or ultrasound examination, are used for special suspected diagnoses (e.g. inflammation of the breast, benign or malignant tumour).

Associated symptoms

Which symptoms accompany the burning of the nipples depends on the cause. If sensitive nipples occur due to hormonal fluctuations, this is often accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of tension in the breasts. Water retention may also occur in other parts of the body such as the legs.

The hormonal changes can also have an effect on the mood so that it can fluctuate greatly. Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast, which causes painful burning nipples and an overheated, painful breast. It is not uncommon for fever to occur, which can be accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Burning nipples in breastfeeding women often appear swollen, reddened and may have small tears and bleeding. Burning nipples caused by rubbing (wrong bra, scratchy sportswear) can also be accompanied by redness and swelling of the nipples. If the burning of the nipples is caused by a skin disease such as neurodermatitis, skin changes in the form of eczema are visible. It is an inflammatory skin disease that can manifest itself by redness, scaling and the formation of small pimples or blisters.

Special circumstances of burning on the nipple

During pregnancy there are increasing concentrations of female sex hormones. These cause a number of changes in the whole body to prepare it for the growing child and the birth. For example, there is a growth of glands in the breast, which can lead to a feeling of tension.

In addition, the nipples can become darker and more sensitive. In extreme cases, the nipples can burn unpleasantly, which is further aggravated by bras that become too tight and are made of material that is not very skin-friendly. Almost always, sensitive breasts and nipples occur during pregnancy.

Often these symptoms are noticed by the pregnant woman even before a positive pregnancy test. On the other hand, however, not every sensitivity of the nipples is a sign of an actual pregnancy. For example, the unpleasant burning sensation is often also due to hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle.

However, if the period does not occur and the sensitive nipples persist for a longer period of time, pregnancy is suspected, so a test should be carried out. Many women suffer from a number of complaints a few days before their periods start, which are summarised under the term “premenstrual syndrome”. In addition to fatigue, mood swings, abdominal pain and water retention, there is often a feeling of tension in the breasts and sensitive nipples.

The symptoms subside after a few days and usually with the onset of menstruation. However, if the symptoms are so pronounced that they severely restrict the person concerned in their everyday life, the use of medication (e.g. birth control pill) should be discussed with the gynaecologist. Ovulation takes place about 14 days before the menstrual period.

This is relevant because the days around ovulation are the most fertile days in the course of the female cycle. There are a number of signs that indicate that ovulation has taken place, including a rise in body temperature, changes in cervical mucus and sensitive breasts and nipples. However, these signs are all quite uncertain, so they are not so much for contraception as they are for planning to have children.