Diagnosis | Burnout syndrome


Since the burnout syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, the diagnosis should only be made by a specialist. He has various methods at his disposal. Maslach-Burnout Inventory is a questionnaire on the frequency and severity of the three main symptoms of exhaustion, depersonalization, and dissatisfaction with performance.

Copenhagen-Burnout-Inventory is a further questionnaire comprising 19 points, which are divided into three categories The degree of physical and mental experience of fatigue. The occupational stress and exhaustion. The dissatisfaction and powerlessness that is made conscious during the cooperation with the person concerned.

In the Tedium-Measure the same questions are asked as in the Maslach-Burnout Inventory, but only the frequency is asked. There are other different tests that a specialist can work with, but there is no imaging procedure to detect burnout. – Maslach-Burnout Inventory is a questionnaire on the frequency and severity of the three main symptoms of fatigue, depersonalization, and performance dissatisfaction.

  • Copenhagen-Burnout-Inventory is another questionnaire comprising 19 points, which are divided into three categories. The degree of physical and mental experience of fatigue. The occupational stress and exhaustion. The dissatisfaction and powerlessness that is made conscious during the cooperation with the person concerned. – In the Tedium-Measure the same questions are asked as in the Maslach-Burnout Inventory, but only the frequency is asked.

Sick leave with burnout

Most people with burnout go to the doctor because of sleep or digestive problems, back or headaches. A burnout is often overlooked. Only by asking the right questions and a lot of experience do doctors come to the diagnosis of a burnout.

However, once the diagnosis of burnout has been made, those affected can, depending on various factors, receive a sick leave of up to 6 or even 12 months. However, it is also important not to use the sick leave just for a short recovery, but also to start a psychotherapy. Possibilities of stress reduction should be found and behavioural techniques learned to prevent further burnout. Only this can prevent a relapse at work. Nowadays, sick leave due to burnout or depression is one of the most common causes of incapacity to work.


There is no uniform treatment for burnout. Every affected person has individual problems that cannot be solved by any standard therapy. Psychotherapy is important.

Behavioural therapy has proven to be successful here. Conflict and stress management is practiced with a therapist, and self-confidence is strengthened. Your own behaviour is changed so that you no longer drive yourself into a state of complete overload.

In addition, those affected have to rework their lives alone or with help. They have to check their expectations and give up unrealistic goals. The work situation must also change.

Maybe some work can be given to colleagues. Physical fitness must be strengthened by healthy nutrition and lifestyle. People in the family and circle of friends should also be more involved in their own lives.

They serve as emotional support. Those affected must allow themselves regular breaks from work and private life. It can help to simply switch off the mobile phone at home.

People with severe burnout often suffer from depression. If these are very severe, a doctor should be consulted. This doctor can then prescribe medication to stabilize the condition of the affected person.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) often serve this purpose. Side effects can occur when taking SSRIs. Nausea, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, erectile dysfunction may occur. Burnout is a serious disease. If symptoms such as emotional fatigue, lack of drive, weakness, lack of interest the feeling of constant failure occur or the environment and one’s own personality seem unreal, a doctor should be consulted.