Diagnosis | Diarrhea after alcohol


Diarrhea describes the shorter or longer lasting release of excessively liquid stool. In the case of diarrhoea due to excessive alcohol consumption, there is a temporal connection between drinking and the occurrence of liquid stool. If one drinks in the evening or overnight, diarrhoea usually occurs during the morning or at noon.

The extent of diarrhoea depends on the amount and consistency of the food previously ingested. If a lot of food is drunk over a period of several hours, the processing of the food porridge is slowed down over a longer period of time and leads accordingly to digestive problems. Diarrhoea in adults is defined as being accompanied by a stool mass of more than 200 to 250 grams with more than three bowel movements a day and a high water content.

How long does diarrhea last after alcohol consumption?

Diarrhea after alcohol consumption usually lasts only one to two days. The duration depends on the alcohol consumption in the situation, i.e. how much was drunk the evening before. At the same time, the frequency of pronounced alcohol consumption plays an equally important role.

If one drinks alcohol occasionally and sometimes “one over thirsty”, the gastrointestinal tract becomes irritated and functionally restricted, which can lead to diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal complaints. In this case, one often suffers from diarrhoea only for a short time, immediately after drinking alcohol, i.e. from the next morning for one or two days. The diarrhoea caused by alcohol is usually self-limiting and the feeling of nausea and loss of appetite slowly decreases. Chronic alcoholics often suffer from regular diarrhoea due to recurring irritation of the intestinal mucosa, which can even become chronic. If there is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa that causes diarrhea over a longer period of time or recurrent (recurrent) diarrhea, the family doctor should be consulted.

What helps against diarrhea after alcohol?

In case of diarrhea it is important to compensate for the loss of fluid and mineral salts. Drinks containing a lot of electrolytes are suitable for this purpose. Good drinks are black tea and unsweetened herbal teas, such as blueberry tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea and fennel tea.

Other household remedies are raw apples and carrots. The swelling agent pectin contained in them protects the intestinal mucosa. Some people are helped by warmth, especially when diarrhoea after drinking alcohol is associated with abdominal cramps.

A hot water bottle can have a soothing and relaxing effect. Cola and salt sticks were popular in the past, but these products contain more sugar than salt. Milk, coffee and other alcohol should also be avoided, as this can aggravate diarrhoea.

There are also medicines for diarrhoea that can be used for a short time. If the diarrhoea lasts for several days, it can be helpful to rebuild the intestinal flora after the exertions with the help of prebiotics. Diarrhea after alcohol consumption is partly promoted by certain foods.

It can help to avoid foods and drinks that often cause diarrhoea. Spicy, strongly seasoned food and particularly fatty foods put a strain on the digestive system. Many people feel like a hearty meal when they drink, like doner kebabs or burgers and fries.

These foods can promote and intensify the development of diarrhoea. Another possibility is to pay more attention to alcohol: beverages with an alcohol content of less than 10% such as beer and wine promote the formation of stomach acid, which can cause nausea and heartburn. Abstaining from these drinks and reducing alcohol can prevent diarrhoea after drinking alcohol.