Diagnosis | Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?


The diagnosis of dizziness and migraine is mainly made by means of the doctor-patient consultation. For this, the already made diagnosis of migraine is a prerequisite. For this, typical criteria such as at least 5 migraine episodes as well as the often unilaterally pulsating type of headache are necessary. The dizziness can occur in different forms, for example, it can be perceived as either rotational, swaying or diffuse dizziness. It is also important to exclude other possible causes for the dizziness, such as a disease of the vestibular organ, when making a diagnosis.

Course of disease

The course of dizziness and migraine depends on the severity of the symptoms, as well as the correct diagnosis and appropriate therapy. It is not always so easy to recognize the so-called vestibular migraine as such. However, dizziness and migraine can be treated well in most cases, which means that the course of the disease remains quite mild.

In addition, there are some good possibilities to prevent the attacks. In addition to various medications, these include keeping a diary to identify triggers. In addition, you can try to fight your dizziness attacks by so-called dizziness training.

Duration and prognosis

The duration of dizziness and migraine varies greatly. A migraine attack itself usually lasts between 4 and 72 hours. The accompanying dizziness can start before, but can also occur during or after the attack.

The duration of the dizziness is very variable and sometimes goes up to several days beyond a migraine attack. The disease as a whole is often not curable and attacks of dizziness and migraine occur repeatedly. However, with the right treatment with effective drugs and the identification of possible triggers, the prognosis is very good.