Diagnosis | Elbow rash


The therapy of the rash on the elbow is understandably based on the underlying cause. Not every rash can be treated in the same way. The common causes will be presented here briefly and with a focus on their therapy.

The treatment of neurodermatitis is very complex and includes both drug and non-drug approaches. Various creams containing cortisone and tacrolimus ointment are available for external application. Also moisturizing creams are well suited for the irritated parts of the body.

In addition, scratchy clothing and triggering factors like stress should be avoided. For psoriasis, creams and ointments which are keratolytic are mainly used. This means that they remove the excess skin scales.

Creams containing salicylic acid and urea are suitable for this purpose. Furthermore, glucocorticoids and other active agents are applied locally. For both diseases, other therapeutic approaches such as phototherapy (use of UV rays) and systemic drug administration are also possible.

The itch mite infestation is treated with an ointment containing the active ingredient permethrin. This kills the mites. It is important that contact persons are also treated, otherwise there is always a mutual infection.

In the case of clothing lice, it is not necessary to treat the skin. Only the clothing must be cleaned with hygiene rinsers. Skin rashes caused by bacteria are treated with antibiotics. Fungal diseases can be treated with topical antimycotics. These are active ingredients that are effective against fungi and are applied locally to the skin.

Duration of the rash

Elbow rashes can be of varying duration. The course of the rash can also be quite different. While parasitic diseases usually heal after one to two weeks with a consistent therapy, diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis often show chronic progressions that are accompanied by recurrent attacks and symptom-free intervals. It is therefore difficult to determine a general duration for a rash on the elbow. There are skin rashes that last from a few days to weeks, but there are also chronic diseases that have a long-term course.