Diagnosis | Furuncle on the labia


In order to diagnose a boil on the labia, it is essential to question the patient appropriately. Since talking about diseases or problems in the genital area is often associated with shame, the questions are not always answered honestly. However, this makes it more difficult to find the cause of the problem and to provide the most adequate treatment.

Therefore, it should be made clear that the doctor has a duty of confidentiality and that the well-being of the patient is his primary concern. Following the interview, the so-called anamnesis, the doctor will look at and palpate the affected area. In addition, the doctor will examine the patient’s general skin status and appearance in order to identify possible causes.

If possible, a smear is taken to identify the bacterial pathogen. If boils occur frequently, the blood sugar is measured. In some cases the measurement of further blood values is informative.

Which doctor should I see?

As a rule, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist in the case of a boil on the labia. If there are other accompanying symptoms or another underlying disease, further examinations and treatment by another specialist can be helpful.

Symptoms of a furuncle on the labia

As a rule, boils appear on the labia with the typical signs of inflammation. These include warming, redness, swelling and pain. The individual complaints can be differently pronounced.

Often the furuncle is palpable as a pressure-sensitive and bulging elastic knot. Underwear and movements can cause friction and lead to increased pain. Usually, a hair can be seen in the center of the furuncle, on whose hair follicle the bacteria have penetrated.

If the furuncle bursts open, pus can escape. This is usually yellowish and can sometimes smell unpleasant. The discomfort associated with a boil on the labia are unpleasant, annoying and sometimes very painful, but usually harmless.Only under unfavorable conditions, a weakened, body-own defense system, a general feeling of illness, fever, chills, exhaustion and other flu-like symptoms can occur.

If fever is detected, this is a warning sign and shows that the bacteria have entered the blood. There is thus a risk of blood poisoning developing. In these cases, medical assistance must be sought.

Normally, complications are less frequent in cases of furuncles on the labia. However, when these occur, quick and appropriate medical action is required. If complications occur and circulatory failure, drowsiness and shock occur, an emergency doctor must be contacted immediately.

If the boils are caused by an illness in combination with immune deficiency, the lymph nodes may be swollen painfully or painlessly. In these cases, a doctor should definitely be consulted. A comprehensive diagnosis must be made.