Diagnosis | Hair follicle inflammation


The diagnosis of hair follicle inflammation is usually a classic gaze diagnosis. Besides the description of the symptoms and the typical gaze findings, no further examinations are usually necessary. If the hair follicle inflammation cannot be treated with the usual methods, if it recurs frequently or if there are other reasons, the exact pathogen can be determined.

For this purpose, a smear must be taken from the hair follicle. This can then be used to detect the pathogen. If there are indications that certain bacteria or fungi are the cause, a microscopic examination of the affected hair follicle can also help. This examination is always supplemented by a thorough anamnesis for specific causes.

Frequencies and risk factors

Many people have problems with hair follicle inflammation from time to time. Especially in the group of those who use wet razors, it happens more often. However, regardless of the use of shaving or grooming products, some people tend to develop hair follicle inflammation more often than others.

People with a reduced immune system are also often affected. For example, patients with diabetes mellitus or those taking immune suppressants. In these patients, chronic hair follicle inflammation can even occur. A generally unhealthy lifestyle, just like smoking, can also lead to more frequent hair follicle inflammation. The occurrence is independent of age.

Symptoms of hair follicle inflammation

As already described, the hair follicle inflammation manifests itself mainly by a reddening in the area of the hair root. This is sometimes accompanied by a purulent pustule. An important criterion is that the pustule is always pierced by a hair.

The inflammation of the hair follicles can be accompanied by itching or even a painful burning sensation. Usually only a single hair root is affected, but it can also be an entire area is inflamed. This occurs mainly in men in the hairy chest area.

If no treatment is carried out, the hair follicle inflammation can develop into a boil or even an abscess.The high density of hair follicles on the scalp increases the likelihood of the occurrence of such an inflammation, which is also known as folliculitis in the medical terminology. It is more common in the summer months, when the scalp sweats. This promotes bacterial growth and the follicle outlet is blocked by excess horn material.

By far the most common pathogen responsible for hair folliculitis is the germ Staphylococcus aureus. The hair follicle inflammation on the scalp is particularly noticeable when washing the hair. Affected persons feel a pressure pain over the inflammation.

At the site of the hair follicle inflammation is a kind of small pimple palpable. Especially people with a poor immune system, diabetes mellitus and circulatory problems are more often affected by hair follicle inflammation. Especially with such risk factors, hair follicle inflammations can also develop into boils or even real abscesses.

There is a very rare, chronic inflammation of the scalp, which is called folliculitis decalvans. It leads to a destruction of the hair follicles, which is accompanied by permanent hair loss. The causes of this type of hair folliculitis, which affects more men than women, are not entirely clear.

Besides immunological and genetic factors, an involvement of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is also discussed. In contrast to common hair folliculitis decalvans heals with scarring and thus leads to hair loss. The therapy includes various antibiotics, which can be applied to the scalp or taken in the form of tablets.

Glucocorticoid creams are also used in the treatment of folliculitis decalvans. In principle, the hair follicle inflammation in the area of the nose does not differ from the symptoms in other areas. However, due to the special position, the whole thing in the nasal area can be much more unpleasant and also more difficult to treat.

Another danger is that the area supplied, especially in the area of the root of the nose, is very closely connected to blood vessels that are connected to the brain. Therefore, if hair follicle inflammation or other inflammatory events are not treated, germs can enter the area of the brain and cause serious complications there. This can lead to inflammation of the meninges or the entire brain.

A so-called sinus vein thrombosis and other thrombotic events in the brain can also be triggered by an inflammation in the nasal region. Therefore, an inflammation in this area, as in the upper half of the face in general, should always be taken seriously. As a further complication, a boil can also form here.

Especially in the area of the nose, an inflammation of the hair follicles should be treated as soon as possible. In addition, especially if the inflammation has already spread, antibiotics are used here not only as ointment, but also orally or even as an infusion. In addition, as long as the inflammation persists, the upper lip should be moved as little as possible, since the nose is always moved as well, which can promote the spread of germs.

In the ear, the hair follicle inflammation develops according to the same mechanism as in the rest of the body. Bacteria, which normally do not cause problems on the skin, penetrate the skin through small injuries and cause the inflammation there. In the area of the ear, these injuries are often caused by the use of cotton swabs, in the swimming pool, or when wearing hearing aids or hearing protection.

At the same time, this also creates a climate that is particularly favorable to the multiplication of pathogens. An inflammation of the hair follicles in the area of the ear can change relatively quickly into a so-called Otitis Externa. This is an inflammation of the external auditory canal.

Often, the hair follicle inflammation in the ear is only noticed when pain, oozing or hearing loss has already occurred on the affected side. There is a particular risk that the inflammation will spread to the eardrum or even penetrate the middle ear. The cartilage in the external auditory canal is also a complication that should be avoided at all costs.

If not treated, it can lead to permanent hearing damage. During the therapy, the ear is first cleaned thoroughly. Then antibiotic or, depending on the cause, antimycotic (fungicidal) drops are applied to the ear.

In severe cases it may also be necessary to take the antibiotic orally or intravenously. If ear pain already occurs, it can be treated with ibuprofen. Cooling compresses can also relieve the pain.A pronounced inflammation of the hair follicles in the ear canal should be examined and treated by an ENT physician in order to avoid late effects.

Hair follicle inflammation can also occur in the genital area, since many people also have dense hair growth in this area naturally. Especially when wearing tight clothing and high outside temperatures, hair follicle inflammation is promoted by increased sweating. Intimate shaving is also a risk factor for the occurrence of hair follicle inflammation in the intimate area.

Germs can enter the skin through the smallest of cuts and cause infections of the hair follicles, which are very unpleasant and painful, especially in the sensitive genital area. A special therapy is not necessary in most cases. The same recommendations apply as for hair follicle infections in other parts of the body.

In contrast, antibiotic therapy is necessary for pronounced furuncles or carbuncles. Signs of a pronounced infection or even an abscess are severe swelling in the genital area, very severe pain or general symptoms such as fever. In such a case a doctor must be consulted immediately.

In order to avoid such injuries, especially when shaving the intimate area, it is recommended to always use sharp and clean blades and to shave in the direction of hair growth. Inflammations of hair follicles on the buttocks are perceived as particularly unpleasant, since they are mechanically strongly stressed by sitting. Pressure pain is therefore almost unavoidable.

A simple hair follicle inflammation on the buttocks can also develop into a boil, which feels like a hard knot and can spontaneously empty pus. In this case, general symptoms such as fever are also possible. It is important not to express boils but also simple hair follicle inflammation.

Cooling compresses can help to relieve the symptoms. In some cases, local antibiotics and antiseptic ointments may be useful. However, therapy is not always necessary or recommended.

Hair algae inflammation of the buttocks must not be confused with anal fistulae or coccyx inflammation (pilonidalsinus). These diseases sometimes manifest themselves with similar symptoms, but require special therapy. In many people, the groin is one of the less hairy parts of the body, but hair follicle inflammation can also be found here.

Especially when sitting, a skin fold forms in the groin, in which sweat can accumulate and promote the development of hair follicle inflammation. Especially people who are very overweight and have other risk factors such as diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of hair follicle inflammation in the groin. However, a therapy is not absolutely necessary.

It should be considered if hair follicle inflammation occurs frequently. Inflammations of hair follicles mainly affect very hairy areas of the body. Although the legs are not affected as frequently as the scalp or, in men, the chest and trunk area, hair follicle inflammation is of course also possible here.

They manifest themselves in the same way as on other parts of the body. A local pressure pain, as well as a reddening of the skin are typical symptoms. Shaving the legs can also promote bacterial hair follicle inflammation, since the smallest skin injuries make it easier for bacteria to enter the skin.

To shave as gently as possible, always use sharp and clean blades. It is also recommended to use shaving foam and to shave only in the direction of hair growth. This also minimizes the risk of hair follicle inflammation.