Diagnosis | Hip pain during pregnancy


The cause of hip pain during pregnancy is determined by means of a detailed survey of pregnant women and various examination methods. If the hip pain in pregnancy is based on a symphysis loosening, the diagnosis can often already be made on the basis of the described complaints, such as strong movement-dependent pain in the pubic and groin area. Likewise, the expansion of the pubic symphysis (pubic symphysis) as a widened gap between the two halves of the pelvis can be visible in the X-ray image.

However, since X-rays are contraindicated during pregnancy, this type of examination is not suitable for diagnosis. The inflammation of the bursa at the hip joint bone (bursitis trochanterica), as well as the inflammation of the hip joint itself (coxitis) can rarely be visible from the outside through swelling and reddening. During the physical examination, a strong pressure painfulness of the hip joint is noticeable.

Also in the ultrasound image, the inflammation of the bursa or the inflammation of the hip joint can be seen. Furthermore, certain parameters in the blood of the affected person may indicate an inflammation. In the case of coxarthrosis, gout and rheumatism, in addition to a detailed interview and physical examination of the affected person, blood tests or an MRI of the hip are also used to make the respective diagnosis. However, an MRI during pregnancy is a rare indication. Even if an MRI does not result in radiation exposure, the data available on MRI in pregnancy is thin.


The prognosis depends on the cause of the hip pain during pregnancy.