Diagnosis | Hollow of the knee


Pain in the hollow of the knee can have a wide range of causes. To exclude a Baker cyst, an MRI is usually performed. An MRI can also detect 90% of all meniscus damage.

Unfortunately, this procedure is very expensive (1000- 2000€ per imaging) and therefore not always the first choice. An orthopedic or physiotherapeutic examination can also provide information about the problem. However, thromboses are usually diagnosed very quickly by a clinical examination with palpation of the legs and, if necessary, ultrasound examination. Torn and strained muscles do not normally require a medical examination, unless they get worse or become chronic. In this case, a careful palpation and massage of the affected area can accelerate the healing process.


Correct warming up, adequate body weight, and correct execution of the exercises is essential to prevent problems in the knee and popliteal fossa. Prophylactically, stabilizing tapes (e.g. “Leukosilk”), or kinesio tapes can also be used. In order to prevent deterioration in case of injury, the PECH scheme (rest, ice, compression, elevation) should be followed.