Diagnosis | Inflammation of the biceps tendon


The diagnosis is made by the doctor on the basis of a conversation and a physical examination. During the examination the biceps tendon is palpated and specific tests are performed. A specific test to examine the long biceps tendon is for example the so-called palm-up test.

For this test, the arm is stretched out forward and deviates about 30 degrees from the body axis outwards, with the palm of the hand pointing upwards. The examiner then exerts resistance while the patient tries to bend the arm in the crook of the elbow. If there is irritation of the long biceps tendon, this examination causes pain.

However, the palm-up test is not specific for inflammation of the long biceps tendon. A different pathology may be present. In addition, an ultrasound examination is often performed. If there is an inflammation of the tendon, the ultrasound reveals this as a thickening of the tendon and possibly as an effusion of fluid that accumulates in the course of the inflammation. In some cases, magnetic resonance tomography can be used as an imaging aid.

Conservative treatment

If an inflammation of the biceps tendon is detected, sports activities should be avoided in any case, otherwise there is an increased risk of degeneration of the tendon and calcium deposits. Especially in the acute to sub-acute phase, physiotherapeutic treatment should be given to strengthen the weakened muscular culture of the shoulder. In addition to physiotherapy, cold therapy (cryotherapy) has also proven to be effective in treatment.

However, this is only used in the acute phase of inflammation. In addition, ultrasound therapy or electrotherapy with stimulation current is sometimes prescribed by the treating physician. Kinesio-Taping is also frequently used.

Kinesio-Taping is an elastic, self-adhesive therapeutic adhesive tape. They are said to have a tension-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. However, the effect has not been scientifically proven.

In the case of an inflamed biceps tendon, the tape is stuck to the shoulder in the form of a Y-strip.As soon as it is possible again for the patient, certain movement exercises should be performed, which must be repeated frequently and are performed with small weights. These exercises are usually done together with the physiotherapist and can be continued after the treatment is finished, then alone. In addition to the above-mentioned therapy options, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac are often taken.

In the acute stage, injections containing, among other things, cortisone can also be injected into the shoulder joint, which have an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. Overall, if the shoulder is not calcified, the treatment options are better. If all these therapeutic measures show no effect, the inflammation of the biceps tendon must be operated on.