Diagnosis | Inflammation of the testicles


The diagnosis is made by palpation of the testis. Swelling, sensitivity to pressure, and pain indicate an inflammation. The history of the origin is also important for the doctor: Did the pain occur suddenly, or over the course of weeks?

If the symptoms point in the direction of inflammation of the testicles, further diagnostic means are necessary. For example, an ultrasound of the testis can provide a visualization. For this purpose, an ultrasound probe is simply placed on the testicle using contact gel and the structures of the testicle and epididymis are visualized.

Even at this stage, swellings as accumulations of fluid can be detected very well and a diagnosis can be made quickly and easily. The next steps are the examination of the blood and urine for possible pathogens. The pathogen search takes place in the laboratory, and usually takes no longer than 1-2 days. Once the pathogen is found, either an appropriate antibiotic can be administered, or at least conclusions can be drawn about the type of viral disease. The appropriate treatment follows immediately after the diagnosis and is usually carried out in hospital.

Inflammation of the testicles in child, toddler and baby

Diseases are always particularly problematic in young children, since verbal communication between parents and child is not yet possible. This means that it cannot be explained to the baby that it is only a temporary condition that will certainly pass soon. Infants therefore need special care and support from their parents.

The immune system of children is not fully developed by the age of 10, which makes them much more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. The spectrum of pathogens can also vary. For example, inflammation of the testicles in children is much more often caused by salmonella or pneumococcus than by the pathogen spectrum that affects adults.

Children are also affected by classic childhood diseases such as mumps. A good third of all children infected with mumps develop inflammation of the testicles. Even after the mumps measles rubella vaccination (MMR for short), orchitis occurred in individual cases.

In small children it is important to scan and inspect the body thoroughly. An inflammation of the testicles may not be the first thing you would think of when a baby cries. Therefore, a thorough inspection is necessary.

Frequent crying due to the pain, a swollen scrotum that should be noticed at the latest when changing diapers, and fever as a result of infection are symptoms that should be brought to the hospital. Non-treatment can lead to complete loss of testicular function. It is also associated with severe pain and the danger of systemic spread.