Diagnosis | Inflammation rectum


The diagnosis of an inflammation in the rectum can often be made by a physical examination. A palpation of the rectum and smears can help to find the cause. In the case of venereal diseases, the sexual partner must always be examined as well.

If there are any uncertainties or suspicion of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, an ultrasound examination and a colonoscopy can be helpful. In the event of an inflammation, the colonoscopy will show strongly reddened wall parts and yellowish to whitish deposits. Last ambiguities can often be clarified by taking a sample (= biopsy) and microscopic examination of the sample.


Most inflammations of the rectum caused by infection, injury etc. heal by themselves as soon as the cause is eliminated. A chronic inflammatory bowel disease rarely heals by itself. It usually accompanies the affected person throughout his or her life in varying intensity. A prolonged course of disease with a chronic inflammatory bowel disease also increases the risk of developing bowel cancer.


Many causes of inflammation in the rectum can be stopped by simple precautions. First and foremost the sexually transmitted diseases through the use of condoms and lubricants to prevent injuries. Like many other intestinal diseases, diseases of the rectum are also unfavorably influenced by smoking and nicotine should be avoided.

A prophylaxis of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease is difficult to achieve due to the partly hereditary origin. Twin studies have shown that the second twin has a 40% higher risk of contracting the disease himself if his sibling is affected. Siblings of affected persons have only a 2-5% risk.