Diagnosis | Leg pain in children


The diagnosis of leg pain in children is usually done in several steps. At the beginning, a detailed conversation between the treating specialist and the parents of the affected child (so-called anamnesis) is conducted. During this conversation, the existing complaints should be described as precisely as possible.

In this context, the localisation and timing of the symptoms and any accompanying symptoms are particularly important. The fact whether leg pain in children occurs only at night or also during the day can already provide an initial indication of the underlying disease. Parents can keep a pain diary, which can speed up the diagnosis.

In this pain diary, the time of occurrence of the leg pain, the location of the complaints and any accompanying symptoms should be carefully noted. If the leg pain in children is related to overstrain, it is in most cases a simple muscle ache. On the other hand, leg pain in children that persists over a long period of time and/or is particularly intense may have a serious cause.

In addition, diseases that are more common in families play a decisive role in the diagnosis of leg pain in children. Depending on the presumed diagnosis, further examinations should be arranged following the anamnesis discussion. If the presence of a bone fracture or bone tumour is suspected, a radiological examination is first carried out.

In addition, an ultrasound examination should be performed. If effusions are found in the area of the joints during the physical examination, a joint puncture may become necessary. A blood test can also provide an important indication of inflammatory processes, bacterial infections, cancer or other infectious diseases. In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT) may be unavoidable. In the case of leg pain in children, which is also accompanied by severe sensation in the legs, examinations should be arranged to assess the leg vessels and nerves.


The treatment of leg pain in children depends primarily on the causative disease. Here are a few examples: Especially growth-related leg pain in children can often be effectively relieved by homeopathic medication. The treatment usually takes three to four weeks.

Especially Calcium phosphoricum D12 and Manganum metallicum D12 are suitable as medicines against leg pain. While Calcium phosphoricum should preferably be taken in the morning, Manganum metallicum has to be administered in the evening before sleeping. The application can be supported mainly by warmth, loving care and a gentle massage of the aching legs.

  • Injuries: special bandages and ointment bandages can be useful here. – Bacterial infections: here, antibiotic therapy must usually be initiated. Depending on the extent of the illness, this treatment can be carried out either as an outpatient or inpatient treatment.
  • Rheumatic disease: here, therapy with glucocorticoids is used. – Bone tumour: surgical removal may be possible, or radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy may be applied. – Growth pains: this is the most common cause of leg pain in childhood and usually does not require any special treatment. The symptoms can be alleviated by cold compresses and painkilling medication (so-called analgesics).