Diagnosis | Muscle weakness in the legs


The possible causes of muscle weakness in the legs are manifold and must be clarified by a doctor. During the anamnesis, the doctor will mainly ask about the beginning of the symptoms and how the weakness has developed. In addition, he will inquire about previous illnesses and carry out physical tests, such as checking reflexes or comparing the strength levels.

Blood tests are also part of the diagnostic repertoire. The specialist in neurology can also carry out other special examinations, such as examining the nerve conduction velocity. Only then can a clear diagnosis be made based on the symptoms and the results of the examination. Since serious illnesses can also be the cause, muscle weakness in the legs must definitely be clarified.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the underlying causes, other symptoms can occur in addition to muscle weakness in the legs. In addition to pain, other possible accompanying symptoms include sensations such as tingling. In addition, muscle weakness results in an increased risk of falling, the gait becomes slower and unsteady.

If the muscle weakness sets in suddenly and other neurological symptoms such as slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and a drooping half of the face, a stroke must be considered. In case of a creeping development and other symptoms such as visual disturbances in young adulthood, a possible multiple sclerosis must be clarified. Since muscle weakness can also be a sign of malnutrition, skin problems, split fingernails and brittle hair can also occur. Polyneuropathy in the context of alcoholism or diabetes mellitus also leads to reduced sensitivity and blood circulation, which often results in open, poorly healing wounds on the legs.

Therapy of muscle weaknesses in the legs

The treatment of muscle weakness depends on the underlying cause. In the event of a nutrient deficiency, it may be helpful to change the diet or additional dietary supplements and vitamin preparations must be used. If the thyroid gland is underactive, therapy with thyroid hormones should be adjusted and regularly monitored.

Chronic, autoimmune nervous system diseases such as multiple sclerosis or ALS cannot be cured to date, but there are now possibilities to decelerate the course of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. In the event of a stroke, the rescue service must be called immediately. The longer the time between the event and the therapy, the worse the prognosis.