Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?


A diagnosis of an inflammation of the navel piercing can be made already by external viewing and examination. For this purpose the classical signs of an inflammation should be observed. If it is a longer existing or more difficult inflammation, often the blood values are also changed. However, since an inflammation on the navel piercing is already well visible and can be examined, a blood withdrawal and examination for diagnostic purposes is normally not necessary.

Inflamed piercing during pregnancy

Special care should be taken with all types of inflammation during pregnancy. Recent findings have shown or confirmed that elevated levels of inflammation in maternal blood have negative effects on the development of the unborn child. Responsible piercing studios will never pierce pregnant women because of the increased infection and inflammation risk of piercings in the initial healing phase! If a belly button piercing should now become inflamed during pregnancy for any reason, removing the piercing jewelry is usually the safest possibility to let the inflammation subside quickly – even if this means that the piercing has to be stitched again later.