Diagnosis of lip herpes in pregnancy | Lip herpes in pregnancy – Is it dangerous?

Diagnosis of lip herpes in pregnancy

The diagnosis of lip herpes is usually quite simple, as it results in the typical picture of small grouped blisters on reddened skin. It is therefore usually sufficient for the doctor to look at the affected area to determine whether it is lip herpes or some other skin disease. In addition, he will usually ask the patient a few more questions.

If necessary, he will ask whether the expectant mother is concerned about her pregnancy and the baby because of lip herpes. If this is the case, it is important that the doctor can reassure the patient. Further measures, such as a blood test in the laboratory, are usually not necessary for the diagnosis of lip herpes in pregnancy.

Is lip herpes a sign of pregnancy?

Lip herpes cannot be considered a sign of pregnancy if it is the only abnormality in a woman. When a woman becomes pregnant, a variety of possible changes in the body occur due to hormonal influences, some of which are typical signs of pregnancy. However, these are only signs and ultimately only a pregnancy test or an examination by a (gynaecologist) doctor can tell whether the woman is actually pregnant or not.Even though lip herpes is more common in pregnancy than in non-pregnant women, it should not be concluded that pregnancy could be present when herpes breaks out.

Nevertheless, it is possible that lip herpes and a previously unnoticed pregnancy occur at the same time. If there are further abnormalities, a pregnancy test should therefore be carried out.

  • Often the first thing you notice is the absence of menstruation.
  • In addition, there are often unspecific complaints such as nausea
  • And vomiting in the morning.
  • Swollen and sensitive breasts also appear in the beginning pregnancy.