Diagnosis of mouth burning | Burning in the mouth

Diagnosis of mouth burning

The diagnosis of mouth burning can be made by the dentist, the family doctor, the ear, nose and throat doctor or other doctors. The most important thing here, of course, is that the patient describes his or her symptoms as precisely as possible. Redness, plaque or swelling are often visible in the mouth.

Certain blood tests can also be carried out. Blood sugar and kidney values as well as thyroid gland values are checked to rule out serious diseases. Allergies or the presence of various metals in the oral cavity (braces or dentures) can also be the cause. These criteria can be easily checked by the dentist. In order to exclude a skin disease, smears can be taken, which are examined under a microscope.

Symptoms of mouth burning

Mouth burning describes a painful clinical picture that mainly spreads on the tongue. Depending on the cause, however, the inside of the cheeks, gums, lips, throat or neck can also be affected. The feeling or burning sensation is similar to the symptoms of eating a food that is too spicy.

An unpleasant stinging sensation is then usually felt. Very often affected persons complain about disturbances of taste or the feeling of dry mouth that comes along with the burning sensation. Sometimes there are certain triggers for mouth burning, such as changes in the mucous membrane or an allergic reaction.

Certain foods or drinks can cause them. Mechanical irritation also causes increased burning sensation in some patients. This can be triggered by eating rough, hard bread or other solid foods. If the symptoms are triggered by medication, they often disappear again after taking the medicine.