Diagnosis | Oxytocin deficiency


To measure a person’s oxytocin level, blood plasma is usually examined for this. Although the result only reflects a snapshot, a certain tendency towards higher or lower oxytocin levels can be deduced if several values are measured. However, such a measurement has so far only been carried out within the framework of corresponding studies, and oxytocin deficiency is not a diagnosis in the sense of an actual disease. This is mainly because this phenomenon with its causes and effects is still relatively new and unexplored.

Consequences of oxytocin deficiency in men

A lack of oxytocin can also be noticeable in men: On the one hand, as with women, it can lead to a lack of bonding or empathy, but on the other hand, problems with ejaculation are also possible. Here, oxytocin promotes the expulsion of seminal fluid, especially the components of the sperm and prostate secretion. In extreme cases, this can result in a lower concentration of sperm in the ejaculate.